Showing posts with label Lists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lists. Show all posts

Monday, 17 February 2025

Setting things to rights

So today is Monday and unlike some people who hate Mondays, I quite like them. I see Monday as the first day of the week and it is a day to put things to rights.

Sundays are our sabbath and we only do those things that are truly necessary. After all, it's supposed to be a day of rest.

We chill out and watch online services and listen to worship music and nap. But with Monday comes the need to plan to incorporate those tasks that went undone yesterday. 

I usually have washing to do and at least one load of clean clothes to fold. I try to get caught up with that plus any dishes that need washing get put into the dishwasher.

For me the tasks that take the most time and are frequent flyers are washing folding and dishes.

Provided I am not in a fibromyalgia flare and have enough spoons, (and this is always unknown and erratic), I will tackle these today.

As I said, I follow Sylvia's Lists and I will loosely follow this for Monday..  

There's always a feeling of satisfaction when/if I can do these tasks on Monday's... but still, come to think of it... I always feel happy any day when I am setting things to rights..

Sunday, 16 February 2025

I'm bringing FlyLady with me!


As I have mentioned before, I loosely follow FlyLady and Sylvia's Lists to keep my home in order between weekly visits of a cleaner through my Aged Care Home Package.

So for two hours on a Thursday, the cleaner changes our beds, cleans our stove top and benchtops, cleans our bathrooms and toilets and vacuums and mops the floors. She dusts when necessary.

Each day after that I follow Sylvia's Lists and then when the cleaner comes, I get her to do one task in the zone FlyLady is in at that time. Eventually those detailed lists get done too.

I have been following these cleaning schedules for years and our home can be company in 30 minutes.. and with our first house inspection being a resounding success last week, we can see it's working.

As I said, it's a successful plan and I am definitely bringing FlyLady with me! 

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

This is a great help


As you know, I have been having problems with my blood pressure. So I have had to plan my days to include a lot of rest without having my house looking like it's been burgled.

Not for the first time, I have integrated the Lists for a chronically ill home keeper into my day. I will be following these Lists from Sylvia Britton of Christian HomeKeeper for the next week or so.

I find them invaluable. Here's the link if you want to try them too.

Monday, 29 November 2021

My four tasks of homemaking

With severe Fibromyalgia and fibro fog, I find making lists helps me focus on what needs to be done each day in my home. I love following Legacy of Home blog by Mrs Sharon White and I have adapted her daily lists to my needs. On bad days I follow Sylvia's Lists. Here is my list. I hope it helps you too. 


1.  There is the breakfast hour, which includes tea-time. First we prepare the meal and set a table.  I often set up a tray- table and sit in the parlour before anyone else is awake.  I am an early riser so I have my tea while the sun is just beginning to rise.  I enjoy this quiet time of resting from the brief bit of morning work.

Later, when the family has their eggs and toast, or fresh baked muffins with fruit, it is time to do the dishes.   We wash the table and the counters and do the sweeping.   All the work of tidying and making things neat are part of the breakfast duties.

2.  Often, during the morning hours, we do the laundry or the dusting and vacuuming. Each day has its special work. It may be Wednesday is for washing floors. Perhaps Thursday is for cleaning the bathroom.  The mid-morning hours are a good time for many of us to do these special duties of making a home look pretty. LIST WORK FOR THE DAY

3.  The Lunch hour is such a wonderful time to stop and rest We put out a fresh, clean tablecloth.  I love my white-and-teal checkered cloth.  It looks so homey and old fashioned.  We can set up our plates and napkins. We can do this even if we are just serving grilled cheese sandwiches, pickles, and chips!  It makes the lunch - work like a reward when we sit at that pretty table and rest and eat while we enjoy the family.  Next we do the sweeping and the dishes, much like we did in the morning.

4.  The dinner hour is such a precious time in the day.  I often start working on the evening meal at 3 in the afternoon. I work slowly and take lots of breaks. Sometimes I peel potatoes and start getting a little casserole ready to bake.  Other times I might do much of the work for a pan of lasagna. I like to put these pans of prepared food in the refrigerator and then just take them out to bake when it is just about dinner time.  That way I get a great deal of rest between all the work. CLOSE BLINDS LIGHT LAMPS  BLOODS AND JAB. MEDS AND MILK

Sitting with the family and hearing the blessing (or the prayer before the meal) is such a peaceful experience.  It is lovely to just sit and enjoy dinner at the end of a long day.  Then the work of tidying, doing the dishes, and sweeping the floor happens.  We make everything look neat and pretty. But I do not like to rush.  I do not want to just "get the work over-with." I take my time and go at a steady pace.  The work of cleaning and accomplishing the beautiful work of making a neat home makes me happy.  It also brings peace.  Bathe or shower

These four tasks of homemaking do not take a great deal of effort.  They may seem simple and ordinary.  They may seem mundane.  But if we dress up in something pretty, wearing an apron, and keeping our hair up in a pretty style, we may find ourselves enjoying the work.  I have an old blue-and-white gingham apron that I love to wear. It is getting old and ragged. I will have to make a new one this coming fall.  I need a fresh supply of lovely aprons to wear as I do the housekeeping.

When we look extra nice as we do our work, we can find joy in the labor.  Doing the little tasks of keeping house, each day, with a feeling of contentment, will bring a true feeling of comfort and happiness to the family.  It will help them feel welcome and loved in a happy and simple home. adapted from Mrs Sharon White of the Legacy of Home

Sunday, 21 February 2021

How to work without dropping from exhaustion.

Sometimes we can get so busy trying to complete our long list of tasks, that we forget to take time out for ourselves during the day.

By time out, I mean taking breaks to keep hydrated, to eat a meal, attend to the calls of nature or to just sit and contemplate one's navel or day dream.

It's important to our mental health as well as our physical well-being.  When we are chronically ill with fibromyalgia for example, we need to learn to pace ourselves between tasks. And here I must say, one should just enjoy the rest break and not feel guilty for taking time out.

It takes a bit of planning to feel productive as well as pacing oneself in order to not suffer too greatly the next day. Here's what I do...

  • I write down just the main and most important things I want to achieve by the end of the day. 
  • Then I pencil in how long each task should take. 
  •  I work through that list with breaks in between. 
  • I allow 15 minutes between tasks. 
  •  When I see how soon I can be finished, it usually motivates me to get going. 
  • Visualising how the house will look better after helps too.

Working out how long the list of tasks should take ensures that regular rest breaks are taken to ensure you don't run out of spoons before the list is complete.

There's nothing nicer than reaching the end of your list and feeling a sense of accomplishment without working till you drop from exhaustion...

Saturday, 29 August 2020

Basking in a new world

Over the years, I have spent many a time in a hospital bed.  For weeks at a time, I would lie in traction with Scheurmann's Disease, with hardly a visitor to see me.

I recall every time my mother came in to see me, she would ask if my (then) husband had been in. The answer was no. In fact, he would drop me off at the hospital entrance and then take off speedily. I would only see him again when I got home.

It got so bad that I would never let him know that I was trying to pass a kidney stone or needed another bout of traction until the moment I had to be admitted for treatment. Then all hell would break loose. It was just a sad state of life wherein I wasn't noticed or wanted until a meal had to be cooked or a shirt ironed.

Of course, I would lay internalising why he wouldn't visit me, and the end result was captured in one solitary, heart breaking and mind numbing word: rejection.

In between hospital stays, I limped along life, serving my husband and family, yet feeling terribly alone and miserable.

In the course of time I left my abusive husband and married Chris 4 years after leaving. All came crashing around my ears when I got fibromyalgia. 

I came home from seeing my rheumatologist for my wide range chronic pain and fatigue, and along with a negative result for lupus, came the diagnosis of fibromyalgia.  The trip home seemed unbearably long as I rehearsed in my mind the scene of rejection again awaiting me with this latest news.

You can imagine my amazement when Chris made me a cup of tea as he listened to the diagnosis. He was the epitome of compassion and love. When he handed me my cup, he was astonished to see me burst into tears: not tears of pain like before, but tears of love, happiness and relief!

Holding me against himself, he said he was so relieved I didn't have lupus, and vowed to help me in any way he could with this new thing called fibromyalgia. 

He was true to his word and together we learned about this new enemy that threatened to destroy my happiness. We vowed to never give it the power over us to come between us.

Twenty two years later, we speak in terms of spoons and nana naps and Lists. Pacing and paracetamol and heat pads are our love language.  

As for the young woman watching out for her husband from behind the curtain: she has gone now, to be replaced by an older happier woman basking in a new world of love and that vital word for all fibromites: validation. 

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

With tea, morphing I am

So just as I thought my domestic problems were over, I was informed that my home help will not be coming until the current Covid 19 restrictions are lifted. 

I am now without any help in the home and it has deflated my spirits. It's understandable with Victoria being in Stage 4 lockdown that it would happen. I get that. But it's just one more thing to add to the drama of Covid 19.

In order to keep our home in some semblance of order, I am going to use Sylvia's Lists and FlyLady

My fibromyalgia flare has gone a bit and I have a few spoons, but I still need help with cleaning the bathroom and doing my floors. It is not to be.

With staying at home restrictions, I am seeing the need for help materialise on a daily basis, and there's nothing I can do about it. Certainly getting Covid 19  because my house needs a clean is just not worth the risk.

So I sit ruminating and quietly sipping my tea and morphing into a Baby Yoda. Or something. Yes, with tea, morphing I am...

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Rattling those pots and pans

So I had a few spoons today and decided to follow my favourite recipe for no knead bread.  You may recall I bought these appliances with my economic booster courtesy of the Australian government. 

The bread recipe calls for a Dutch Oven and I don't have one, so I used the casserole dish and it did the job beautifully. The bread turned out to be so yummy and we will eat it with a minestrone soup for dinner tonight.

I also have made  icecream using Monkfruit sweetener. It is in the freezer as I type, getting ready to be tonight's no sugar low carb dessert!

I have been preparing our guest room because tomorrow we will be blessed with our little granddaughter's company for a few days. Boy, have I missed her! Our postcodes are not under lockdown with the Corona restrictions, but it's anyone's guess when or if we will be back to lockdown as well. So we are getting her now before it happens.

Housework-wise, I am following each day's work on Sylvia's Lists. I still have bad fibromyalgia, but we are getting there slowly and I am at last ratting those new pots and pans. 

Monday, 8 June 2020

I am wearing my blanket!

We are in our winter here in Australia and where we live in a small country town, it gets very cold. Sometimes it even snows. 

With my thermostat being broken due to fibromyalgia and then being on blood thinners for my stents and antiphospholipid syndrome, my blood is like water and I really feel the cold.

You kinda know your blood is thin when you get a blood test with your husband and when it's standing in vials next to mine, his is dark red and mine is watery pink! So yes, I feel the cold keenly.

Our home is all electric and of course our only heating is electric too. So when the bill came, I gasped when I saw how much it cost! 

When I saw the Oodie on Face Book, I asked Chris if I could have one for my birthday! I ordered it in April but didn't get it until the beginning of June. Just in time for the coldest months in Australia. I figured that if it was as warm as they say, that it would recoup the cost in just one billing cycle!

Now Chris is from England, and he is quite used to the cold and doesn't feel it like I do. When he saw how warm I was without using the little fan heater in my study, he mentioned that he might like one for his birthday!  Since getting older and feeling ill with high sugars and vertigo, he declared that he was now feeling cold too.

So he tried it on and apart from mine being the pink you see in the picture, it was perfect! So I ordered a navy one for him. Size is not a factor as they are made oversize and one size fits all! 

The only problem is that he won't get it until July as they are pre-ordered and very popular here!

They are expensive and I got mine on Afterpay which helps a good deal. We love Afterpay!

Today is Monday and I am doing Sylvia's Lists today as I am feeling under the weather with fibromyalgia flaring. The last few weeks have been stressful, especially the day Chris was taken ill and I thought he had suffered a stroke.

We then had to sort out his new insulin regime which I did, and although he is now improving, I still am suffering rebound fibro flares from the stress.

I am planning to cook lamb strips in a marinade of mongolian beef with green veg and mashed potato for dinner. Depending on Chris's sugars, I will serve some artifically sweetened jelly and sugar free icecream for dessert.

By the way, I am not getting paid to advertise my Oodie. I just wanted to pass on my great comfortable friend for your consideration to anyone here who feels the cold. I really love mine: I can find anywhere is a great place to sit and be cosy as I am wearing my blanket! 

Monday, 13 April 2020

The Queen of List Making

So I did it again! Instead of cleaning up after dinner, I went to bed with dishes in the sink. I hate when I do that!

I mean, with fibromyalgia robbing me of a good restful sleep, the mornings are hard enough to face. Having a dirty kitchen to wake up to is the pits!

Most would think that it's just laziness, but by the time I have cooked dinner my spoons are almost gone. Yes gone! I am so done in by the end of the day that even lifting my arms up to put my nightie over them creates pain.

Oh, yes, I make lists and read motivational blogs and You tubes, but to no avail. I am the Queen of List Making. Yet my limited spoons dictate that I do very little and I am left with ashes in my mouth.

I know I said before that I have been keeping busy and that's true, but I now have a rebound fibro flare and coupled with our autumn cold snap with rain, I am in a lot of pain.

You would think that I would have worked out this fibromyalgia lurk after twenty years. And for the most part although I hate it, I have learned to exist with fibro without feeling false guilt that leads to depression.

Most days I accept my disability, but deep inside is a perfectionist screaming to get out! On days like our current lockdown days, due to Rona, I try to nest and I overextend my limits. Hello, Fibro Flare!

I am grateful to my husband Chris. He is an mild mannered man who is happy with how I do manage to keep our nest. He and most people who come to visit- well in better days obviously- are happy with the state of our home.

It must be that I am my own worst enemy: trying to do the work of a much younger healthier self: everything in its place and a place for everything. But always straining, never achieving thanks to Fibromyalgia.  I need to accept what is and hang up my crown as the Queen of List Making.

Today I am doing just a few things:
  1. Cooking a chow mein in the slow cooker
  2. Doing those dishes from last night
  3. Giving in to the latest flare and taking a nana nap

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Weighing up the spoons!

I am overjoyed to wake with some spoons today! I have been in this fibromyalgia flare so long that I have forgotten what energy feels like. 

To cope with the residual muscle pain, I have taken a couple of paracetamol with my other tablets this morning. 

I am sitting trying to work out how to utilise my spoons skilfully. I know if I overdo it, I will be back in a flare tomorrow. There's much I would like to do, but I think I will keep it simple to avoid a rebound flareup.

On my to do list today:

  1. Follow Wednesday's List
  2. Get a few groceries and go to the post office
  3. Cook some devilled sausages with vegetables and mashed potato for dinner
  4. Have a bath in the evening if I have enough spoons left
If I can get most of this done, I will be happy. It's all about balance and weighing up the spoons!

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Nothing like country life!

So this morning I came out to see this from our back window. We love it here and this window is like a screen saver. It is always changing! Chris grabbed my phone and took a video to show you.

It is lovely outside today. The weather is forecast to be 23C and is perfect autumn weather.  I have to go out to the chemist for some refills of our medications and I can see a sit out in the sun in my future.

My fibromyalgia flare is a bit better today, but I am still going to pace myself because if I don't, I know I will be in a flare again tomorrow.

So today I am following Tuesday's List and making a Shepherd's Pie with peas for dinner. Shepherd's Pie is one of Chris's favourite meals.

Oh, and when I get home, if I don't need a nana nap, I will be sitting in the garden seat taking in this lovely view!  We are grateful that God gave us this place to live in. There's nothing like country life!

Monday, 9 March 2020

It's just the nature of the beast!

I wish I could tell you that my fibromyalgia flare is over, but I can't. This morning I woke with so much pain that I took my bath in the morning instead of at night, hoping it would unkink all my sore muscles. It didn't.

As I lay in the bath I planned my day and prayed for the energy to do it. If determination was the only way to get through, it would be a breeze! But alas, determination does not equate to spoons (energy), and at the end of the day it can actually lead to false guilt if I can't achieve what I wanted to.

In chronic illness, I find that whilst it is good to make plans, it is unlikely that all will be accomplished. Like me knowing that my diabetes is out of control (11.6) and I simply must accept that I cannot take much sugar in any form, I must accept that I can only do so much. Or so little. 

So, it's no good flogging myself like a dead horse. It is what it is. What gets done, gets done. What doesn't, doesn't. 

So today, I am just following Monday's List. And preparing a curried sausages in the slow cooker for dinner. 

If I get everything done or not, I will have to learn to be content. Chronic illness is tough, but I will have to accept it: it's just the nature of the beast.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Alas, I have no children to help!

So today is another dreary day of fibromyalgia, pain and chronic fatigue. I honestly don't know when this fibro flare is going to end or if this is how my life is going to be forever!

I didn't do the dishes last night! Looking back, I know that was a huge mistake. This morning I was faced with icky slimey water that was steaming hot in a previous lifetime, but now has cooled down making my stick of dishwashing soap a gooey mess.

Overnight the dishes seemed to have multiplied while I slept, with more teacups Chris used during the night (for he is a night owl), and more now with breakfast and lunch dishes.

I look at them, sigh and promise myself I will do them. And I will. After a nana nap.

Nana naps sometimes help me and are becoming a necessary fact of life for me. They used to be voluntary, but now they are mandatory. If I don't give in to my chronic fatigue and take a nap, my body wilts and my eyes have trouble focussing. I literally go cross eyed trying. I have heard this happens often for the poor Fibromite in a bad flare.

So today's list is again a simple one:

  1. Rest
  2. Dishes
  3. Cook tea which will be fish, chips and salad.
I sure hope I feel better after my nap: those dishes aren't going to do themselves and alas, I have no children to help! 

Thursday, 5 March 2020

No need to panic

So there have been a few cases of Corona Virus here in Australia. People have panicked and supermarket shelves here are running low on bottled water and toilet paper. Knives have been  pulled on people over a dispute on toilet paper. There have been stampedes. 

There is no need to panic. For starters, one- we have a very good health care system that can cope with helping anyone who succumbs to the virus and secondly, according to statistics, we have more of a chance of catching the common flu as we do of contracting and then dying of the Corona Virus.

I think the news is to blame, exaggerating and fear-mongering. It is no wonder there's panic in the ranks.  We won't be stock piling. But we will be following normal precautions by avoiding large crowds, airports and even shopping centres. We will shop online. And we will wash our hands frequently. It's just basic hygiene really.

With how I am feeling at the moment, with the fibro flare not over and constantly tired, staying home and shopping online will be the norm for us anyway. But in all honesty, we are not panicking.

My list of to do's today is basic:

  1. Follow Thursday's List  
  2. Do a 15 minute stint on FlyLady's Zone
  3. Cook a stew in the slow cooker for dinner

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Grateful for my servants

So today has seen a slight improvement in my sugars. They were 9.5 this morning which is a lot better than 11.6 yesterday. I have been very careful of sugars in what I ate and the results are pleasing.

Also I have less pain and I think the fibromyalgia flare may be abating. So today I have added a few things to my to do list- things that will be a lick and promise only: I have had to give up on my perfectionism.

  1. Do a couple of loads of washing
  2. Cook some minestrone soup in the slow cooker
  3. Change our bed
  4. Vacuum and sweep an area of the house
  5. Order online groceries for tomorrow
  6. Cook curried sausages with rice for dinner
I am determined to do at least some of these things today and I have enlisted the help of some of my servants. 

Top of the list is my Dyson stick vacuum because it's not heavy, does a great job of picking up Xena's white fur and does not hurt my back.

Second favourite servant of mine is my dryer which saves me a lot of spoons in hanging the washing out then bringing it back in.

Having said that, I am also grateful for my slow cooker, my front load washer, my microwave and my toaster. I don't know how people managed in the past without these. I am grateful for my servants. 

Saturday, 22 February 2020

House of happiness

We love our new home, but it sure gets cold up here. This morning we woke to 10C and the windows were running inside. Thank goodness we have a large reverse cycle air conditioner/heater.

Today I plan to vacuum and wash the floors, dust and clean the bath and toilet. This will have to be after the usual morning chores. God willing, I will have enough spoons.

On today's to do list is:

  1. Clean the kitchen
  2. Make our bed
  3. Do a couple of loads of washing
  4. Dust
  5. Vaccuum and wash the floors
  6. Make a slow cooker bolognaise sauce for spaghetti tonight.
I have chucked out some leftover cake for the birds. It is like an airport here this morning. 

I am planning on getting some plants in baskets to hang along the front verandah. Currently, I am doing a google search to know which ones would be not only pretty, but hardy. Our house is a house of happiness and the plants can reflect that...  

Friday, 21 February 2020

Chronic illness: it is what it is!

So the day has started off without any appreciable spoons. However, I have purposed to do some chores in the house regardless. Simply because they have to be done.

With the last two days slack on housework, there are dishes and washing and some other chores that are shouting to be done.

My sugars are still 10.4 this morning in spite of taking the new diabetes medications for a week. So I accept that I am never going to feel really well. Fibromyalgia and angina coupled with back pain also seem to do that. So I am going to just concentrate today on the most crucial homemaking tasks: having clean dishes and cups and some clean clothes and towels.. No lists today, this is all I can manage.

So today's list of to do's are:

  1. Soak and wash dishes and put away after air drying
  2. Catch up on the washing and put it away after the dryer has finished
  3. Cook some lamb stew in the slow cooker for dinner
Granted it's not much to do, but my body feels like it's trying to climb Mt Everest. But enough procrastination: I must push on. No fairy godmother is coming- I'm it!  

It's mundane. It's frustrating. It's tiring! But it is what it is!  It's chronic illness! 

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Flat out in bed

So today is going to be busy for me. First thing this morning a technician from Telstra  is coming to install the NBN for us. Hopefully our connection will be faster.

When that's done, I have to go to the Post Office and request another invoice to renew our post office box. They have overcharged us on the invoice. As the post man doesn't home deliver here due to us living in a tiny country township, we must all have a PO Box. They charged us as having a mail delivery but wanting a PO Box. A lot more expensive! 

I have also to change our bed and refill the weekly pill container for our medications. I will be taking note what medications we need a prescription or a refill for at the chemist,  for the doctors' visit tomorrow.

So todays' list of to do's looks like this:

  1. Change our bed
  2. Finish cleaning the kitchen
  3. Refill the medications
  4. Do some washing but using the dryer: it is going to rain for the next 3 days
  5. Sweep the vinyl floors
  6. Bake a cake for afternoon tea
  7. Dinner for tonight is quiche with vegies.
This is a pretty full on day for me. I will have to pace myself so as not to prolong my fibromyalgia flare, or instead of being busy flat out like a lizard drinking, I will just be flat out- in bed.

Monday, 10 February 2020

Like a beetle on its' back

Today I have woken up tired. Fibromyalgia and angina are vying with back pain to see which is going to be the one to send me back to bed.

So far I have taken my medications, made some toast and tea for our breakfast and thrown some fruit bread out to our delightful birds.

I was planning on following Mondays' List but instead I will be following Thursdays which is a day of rest. God willing, I will be able to do Monday's List tomorrow..

I have a pre cooked slow cooker meal in the freezer for dinner tonight. So no need to cook. I don't like using frozen dinners, but I learned years ago to accept what is and not be a perfectionist...

We are experiencing thunder and rain and I am wondering if that is what is causing my renewed fibro flare, or if it was making the effort to go to church yesterday. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure: today I am as weak as a kitten and as helpless as a beetle on its' back!