Showing posts with label sternum pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sternum pain. Show all posts

Monday, 18 May 2020

Hopping right along

So I was just about to go to bed last night when I heard a horrified scream. I checked to see  if I had left the TV on. No TV. 

Xena was already in bed with her Daddy, and I couldn't see anything. Then it was repeated. I froze. Turning in the direction of the shriek, I noticed a little frog clinging to the outside of the back door.

Opening it a tad, I noticed a cat dash over the fence of the house next door. Obviously, the poor little frog had been trapped by it and was shrieking in fear.

By the time I had turned the light on and opened the door wider, it had gone.

You never know what goes on when you live in the country, especially at night. I am glad the frog escaped.

The last few days have been busier than normal. I have been working in our home catching up on things I haven't done when I had the bad fibro flare recently. With accompanying costochondritis.

I am taking care to pace myself so as not to flare up again. Of course, I am working with what spoons I have for the day. 

I have some washing to fold and put away. My dishes are all caught up and my kitchen is clean. I want to keep up the momentum- so like the little frog, I will be hopping right along. 

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Kissing my phone screen!

Today I have woken up with a little less pain from my fibromyalgia and costochrondia than what I have had the last few weeks. I have a distinct lack of spoons, but I will take less pain over spoons any day!

I have dishes to catch up on and washing and cleaning to do, but I am letting it go one more day. Today the Victorian Government has lifted the lockdown a bit and allowed us to go see family,  as long as there are no more than 5 people at the one time.

So we are getting ready to go to see my youngest child, Dianne who I wrote about in my other blog yesterday.  She lives an hour's drive from us. No doubt I will fall asleep en route to her place. That's totally normal for me and Chris is used to seeing me nearly being garrotted with the seatbelt on long drives...

Schools in Victoria are gradually returning in a few weeks. I never thought I would say this, but I miss the mums taking their children to school and even the school buses! 

Life  is gradually returning to some semblance of normal and I am very happy about it. Online classes and visits with family are OK, but nothing compared to face to face! 

Mind you, we are still going to be careful. Lots of hand washing still and today, lots of theatrical kisses without actually kissing. A big Mwah each side of the cheeks at a respectful distance will have to suffice. But hey, it's better than kissing my phone screen on FaceTime! 

Monday, 11 May 2020

Light at the end of the tunnel

The Victorian Government has lifted some of the Corona Virus restrictions for us. Although Chris and I will be taking it slower than the recommendations, we are glad that there will be a little more freedom for everyone.

My fibromyalgia is badly effected by the stormy conditions we have had in the last few days, and I have not blogged because frankly I have done nothing here at home.

It is so hard to function when you wake up with no spoons. Today, I have managed to get dressed. Not bathed or showered- just dressed.

I will be cooking chicken chow mein for dinner and that's it!

I have experienced a new thing with my fibro: my tendons in my arms feel like they are tearing when I extend my arms. Truly excruciating! Plus I have pain in my sternum which is mimicking heart pain. I find no relief taking my Anginine tablets so I think it is the fibromyalgia.

I hate fibro with a passion: it is as debilitating as the Scheurmann's Disease back pain I endured before it finally fizzled out and my vertebrae recalcified or whatever they do to heal. Ten years in the making, whatever it was. With only a slight curveture and a foot that points inwards.

So, fibromyalia seems to be set to stay as my thorn in the side. But I won't let it snatch my joy away in knowing the virus seems to be controlled. At least with that there's light at the end of the tunnel.