Friday, 28 February 2025
Maybe I should have rephrased it
Thursday, 23 January 2025
It is what it is
So while I was still asleep, just after sunrise, Chris took some photos of our back garden.
He told me there were about 40 corellas eating the birdseed and meat scraps from dinner that I threw out after dinner.
Later on some rosellas joined them and after they left, the sparrows came down. Our place is like an airport.
Later on our cleaner from the Aged Care Provider is coming for a couple of hours and I will be straightening up the kitchen and loading the dishwasher as soon as I finish talking to you.
The washer's already going as I am washing some bedding for her to change the beds today. Of course, I will be using my dryer.
With fibromyalgia and polymyalgia rheumatica, I always use it. I have tried using my clothesline but the pain is really debilitating and I can't bear it. Like I always say, it is what it is.
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
There's plenty that I do.
- Maintenance in between weekly cleans
- Pet care and feeding our cat Xena
- Washing and folding and occasional ironing
- Menu planning
- Grocery shopping online
- Cooking
- Kitchen cleaning and dishes
- Gathering rubbish for bin collection
- Budgeting and bill paying
- Scheduling doctors visits
- Updating prescriptions and filling pill containers for the week
- Organising social events occasionally
Tuesday, 24 December 2024
Letting nothing you dismay!
Friday, 13 December 2024
Better days are coming!
Saturday, 28 September 2024
Enough acid to rival Chernobyl
Sunday, 24 December 2023
It is what it is!
Monday, 20 November 2023
We're going for a run
As you know, I have had to resort to using a wheelchair when I go out. It is not something I am happy about, but it is a necessary part of adapting to my new normal.
Along with walking, there are a few other things I have had to adapt to as well.
I sit on my shower seat. When I get out, I sit down again and dry off. That's about all the time I can stand.
Most times, Chris stacks and unstacks the dishwasher and this has stopped me having to stand and bend.
I always use the dryer even in good weather. I miss the smell of sun-dried clothes, but it is what it is.
I do make my bed for company, but even so it is just pulled up quickly, nothing fancy. I can't stand to tuck it in and I can't bend either...
With the ageing Australian Government Package, I have a support worker come every two weeks. She changes our beds.
Also within this Home Care Package, I can order ready cooked frozen dinners from Lite N Easy. The meals are designed by a dietitian and cooked by a chef. They are quite delicious and save me from having to stand to cook and I know we are eating well.
I am grateful for all this as it allows me to still be mistress of my home in spite of illness, pain and disability. But even so, I find myself longing for the soon rapture of the Church.
It will be so glorious to not only see my Saviour, but to be able to breathe easily, feel joy and go for a run...
Friday, 3 November 2023
Loving Australian Damper
Sunday, 29 October 2023
Are you a senior Aussie?
Thursday, 28 September 2023
When the spoons are gone forever
Tuesday, 22 August 2023
Time on the phone paid off
Once a year someone will come and wash our windows for us. The is all part of the Australian Government's plan to keep seniors in their own home instead of a nursing home.
I had to access three different goverment bodies today via phone with a waiting time of an hour or more, but with the ability to be approved so quickly and for the blessing it will be, the time on the phone paid off.
Monday, 24 April 2023
It still is that for me!
Yep, it's still Safeway for me! With fibromyalgia brain fog and old age, tell me the new name of a place or person I knew, and it is lost forever... they will forever be the name I first called them!
So I had a phone consult today and the doctor wants to wean me off prednisolone after only four days.. it hasnt really done it's job quite yet, so I am going to spin it out for a few more days ...
Today I have washed some minkie blankets off our beds, ran and then emptied the Roombas, cleaned the toilets and ordered online medicines and groceries.I did some rounds of crochet in between tasks..
Chris loves bangers and mash so that's what I will be doing for tea tonight..
The Prednisolone fills me with fake energy, but I don't care... I will milk this Polymyalgia rheumatica situation for all it's worth! I know I won't be long on the meds so I may as well turn the antsy feelings for my good...and get the benefit of some pseudo spoons!
For those who don't know... in Australia Safeway Supermarkets took on the name Woolworths many moons ago: but as I said, it still is that for me!
Tuesday, 1 March 2022
The downside of country life
Walking into the bathroom, I must have passed close to this horrid spider who could easily have jumped on my head and such is my fear of spiders, it possibly would have killed me in a cardiac event brought on by fear!
Not an overly big spider by huntsman standards, he would have been about 3 inches across. But he was big enough to induce panic in us as we scurried to find a broom and the fly spray!
I didn't want to lose this guy as we wouldn't know where we would find him, so there was a great over use of flyspray and frantic loud bangs of the broom. Suffice it to say, he got a burial at sea!
It is said that they come in pairs, so we were watching everywhere until his mate was found. And she was...
I was in the adjacent laundry and found her sunning herself on the glass panel in the back door. I grabbed my flyspray and went to spray it, but then realised that she was outside the door. She too had to be gone because I didn't want her coming in the house. I'd had enough excitement with her mate's intrusion.
A few sprays of the flyspray had her on the move, and a few heavy thumps of the broom, and she was no longer. Except for food for the birds and ants.
Indeed, I had to chuckle at how fast I moved, considering my two damaged knees and fibromyalgia. It's marvellous what an adrenaline rush can do for a body!
Not only did the fear of losing the huntsman to perchance come back to terrorise me, rattle me, but so did realising that I had married a man who refused to rescue me from dangerous wildlife! Such was my expectation of my knight in shining armour! :)
Don't get me wrong: I still love living here in the Australian bush with my liver-lilied Chris, but snakes and huntsmen are definitely the downside of country life.
Monday, 17 January 2022
Our little haven
Wednesday, 12 January 2022
You can say that again
So today we have shopped online but most of the food we ordered was unavailable. So we took a trip to Aldi and managed to get meat, chicken and cat food. Most products are being limited now. There are distribution shortages of staff due to Covid.
There's a four hour queue to get tested or one can do a Rapid Antigen Test at home, but there's a shortage of tests and it's very difficult to get one. People who can't get tested are isolating and missing out on work just in case they are positive.
Our Prime Minister suggested that as most Australians will test positive soon so he told us to make sure we have paracetamol aka Panadol on hand so that we can manage symptoms at home. (Lotsa luck with that one!) So people went out and stripped all pharmacies and supermarkets of all brands of paracetamol.
To top it all off for me is that once again, my antidepressants haven't made it off the wharves. They don't know when they will be available again. So it's lucky that I have extra Panadol on hand for my fibromyalgia and an extra box of antidepressants. I am so grateful to the Proverbs 31 wife in scripture who was always prepared and laughs at the time to come.
A past Prime Minister of ours once famously quoted that life wasn't meant to be easy. You can say that again.
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
But then again, maybe not!
Fibromyalgia has taken a back seat and I am enjoying having some spoons. It's been so long that it is a surreal feeling.
I have been washing our bedding after the winter months and will be packing away our doonas. We both don't sleep very well and so we prefer minkie blankets. They are light and easy to throw off if we get too warm, yet warm enough to preclude the need for the heavier doonas for a drop in temperature.
It's such a joy to open the windows throughout the house too. We are fresh air freaks. There's nothing like the smell of the early morning.
I am going to make up my favourite cookie recipe today. And I think I will bake some sultana muffins for Chris. He loves them.
In stark contrast to flare days, I have already had my shower and gotten dressed. I need to take our bloods and give Chris his insulin injection. I think I will serve him some soldiers for breakfast this morning.
I have pork chops thawing for dinner tonight. I may do an egg salad to go with them. It's salad weather here at the moment.
As I must pace myself so as not to bring on another flare, I think in between tasks I will go out in the back garden and sit on the garden swing. My friends the birds are so tame that they actually come down to eat almost from my hand. It's so relaxing!
I have a lot of things I want to do today, but nothing compares to sitting in the swing in the sun watching the birds. So maybe I will get all those things done, but then again, maybe not!
Thursday, 25 November 2021
So glad I made that phone call
Friday, 24 September 2021
Life is still good!
It's a busy today. I have lots of dishes to wash, washing to fold and put away and a few meals to cook.
It is a public holiday today as it's the Grand Final of Aussie rules football. We don't follow football and I only found out as our chemist is closed today. Footy is like a religion over here, and if you don't have a footy team to barrack for, you are virtually ostracised! I don't even know who's playing!
We are in Spring here and today is a bit warmer so I may sit on the deck and get some sun and watch the birds. The sun hopefully will ease my aching neck and shoulders. My fibromyalgia is kicking me majorly.
Life is hitting us both hard health wise, but even so, life is still good!