Thursday, 23 May 2024
Fading fast...
Saturday, 11 May 2024
Enjoy being at home.
Wednesday, 6 March 2024
It was good while it lasted!
Friday, 11 August 2023
I can't believe it!
The last five days have been a dream come true! I have been sleeping better and I have woken up with spoons!
I have been very careful to keep pacing myself as I don't want to get a rebound flare due to burnout. So far, so good!
It's been about 22 years since I have felt this well. I am very grateful for the respite from pain.
So unusual is this new found energy that sees me operating as a "normal" person, that it feels "abnormal"
But today, I will enjoy this new energy and thank God for it. If it wasn't me I would want to know my secret- no secret.. but in any case, I can't believe it!
Wednesday, 5 October 2022
Here a little.
Saturday, 20 August 2022
A big part of my life
It's 11.30 Saturday morning here and already we have been to have blood tests, come back and had breakfast and I have done a load of washing, folded clothes and stacked the dishwasher.
They weren't able to get blood from me today so I have to come back Monday. This in spite of drinking water beforehand.
Chris is sleeping and I am thinking of having a nana nap as I have no spoons left. So tonight I will be cooking pork chops with mashed potato and salad. I may serve a fruit salad for dessert.
The fibromyalgia is flaring and I am aching all over. I haven't recovered from the move yet. In spite of knowing I could/should do some more around the house, I know that I need to rest or tomorrow will be a repeat of today. Pacing and resting are now a big part of my life since fibro.
Wednesday, 10 August 2022
Stating your name and business
Tuesday, 12 April 2022
Another day at The Beach
Sunday, 20 February 2022
You just don't know when it will break.
Tuesday, 15 February 2022
Making the most of my spoons
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
But then again, maybe not!
Fibromyalgia has taken a back seat and I am enjoying having some spoons. It's been so long that it is a surreal feeling.
I have been washing our bedding after the winter months and will be packing away our doonas. We both don't sleep very well and so we prefer minkie blankets. They are light and easy to throw off if we get too warm, yet warm enough to preclude the need for the heavier doonas for a drop in temperature.
It's such a joy to open the windows throughout the house too. We are fresh air freaks. There's nothing like the smell of the early morning.
I am going to make up my favourite cookie recipe today. And I think I will bake some sultana muffins for Chris. He loves them.
In stark contrast to flare days, I have already had my shower and gotten dressed. I need to take our bloods and give Chris his insulin injection. I think I will serve him some soldiers for breakfast this morning.
I have pork chops thawing for dinner tonight. I may do an egg salad to go with them. It's salad weather here at the moment.
As I must pace myself so as not to bring on another flare, I think in between tasks I will go out in the back garden and sit on the garden swing. My friends the birds are so tame that they actually come down to eat almost from my hand. It's so relaxing!
I have a lot of things I want to do today, but nothing compares to sitting in the swing in the sun watching the birds. So maybe I will get all those things done, but then again, maybe not!
Friday, 14 May 2021
I am very grateful!
Sunday, 21 February 2021
How to work without dropping from exhaustion.
Sometimes we can get so busy trying to complete our long list of tasks, that we forget to take time out for ourselves during the day.
By time out, I mean taking breaks to keep hydrated, to eat a meal, attend to the calls of nature or to just sit and contemplate one's navel or day dream.
It's important to our mental health as well as our physical well-being. When we are chronically ill with fibromyalgia for example, we need to learn to pace ourselves between tasks. And here I must say, one should just enjoy the rest break and not feel guilty for taking time out.
It takes a bit of planning to feel productive as well as pacing oneself in order to not suffer too greatly the next day. Here's what I do...
- I write down just the main and most important things I want to achieve by the end of the day.
- Then I pencil in how long each task should take.
- I work through that list with breaks in between.
- I allow 15 minutes between tasks.
- When I see how soon I can be
finished, it usually motivates me to get going.
- Visualising how the house will look better after helps too.
- Using Sylvia's lists can be helpful too.
Working out how long the list of tasks should take ensures that regular rest breaks are taken to ensure you don't run out of spoons before the list is complete.
There's nothing nicer than reaching the end of your list and feeling a sense of accomplishment without working till you drop from exhaustion...
Saturday, 6 February 2021
Devious little dictators.
Well, today I woke up with some spoons! As I sit here talking to you, I have a list of things I want to achieve. But I have to treat spoons with respect, or they will be my undoing.
Having spoons is so novel and rare, that I find instead of rejoicing, I am afraid. "Why would you be afraid of having some spoons?!" you ask. Good question.
Feeling energy or having spoons is so unusual and longed for, but it's fraught with dangers for the unwary. Dangers of overdoing and ending up with no spoons not only for tomorrow, but a few days after.
Spoons have the ability to dictate your life: you must treat them with respect. The desire to run with them is sometimes overwhelming. The urge to clean, shop or socialise is great. It can consume you.
And spoons will consume you, if not treated with respect. By respect I mean, circumspect and planned activity. For if given into, the spoons will not only be evaporate quickly, but so will your joy, optimism and future few days.
Like a lion tamer, appreciate the power behind these beasts, and hold them back with whip and chair if necessary. They will then serve you well, if allowed some calculated leeway as you pace yourself in small bursts.
Remembering to pace oneself is so critical to enjoying those spoons. And surely, spoons or extra energy should be an occasion to rejoice, but given that they have the power to rule you , for the unwary, they can be devious little dictators
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
Flying with the birds
We came home on Boxing Day from spending Christmas Eve and Day with Chris's daughter. Xena was especially glad to see us- almost as glad as she was seeing the birds coming into the back garden to feast on the remains of the nibblies platter I ordered. (I took a photo for you!) See the kingfisher on the door mat that the wind blew over?
We had a lovely Christmas with family and it was very relaxing. So much so, that my fibromyalgia flare is lessening. I actually woke feeling refreshed and my muscles weren't feeling like they were tearing like they usually do.
It's been so long since I have had a respite from fibromyalgia flares that it felt strange. Good, but strange. Isn't it sad that one lives on the edge of agony so much that when the pain even abates just a little, you find the sensation agreeable but foreign? Such is fibromyalgia!
I received some nice presents for Christmas, but my favourite gift by far is some spoons or energy! I feel like I have won the lottery! Now if my broken tail bone would hurry up and heal, I would be rapt!
You know too how I said we have a lot of kingfishers around? Well, yesterday I was washing some dishes and I saw a kingfisher on the fence in front of me. I grabbed some offcuts of beef that were on the chopping board from the stew I was preparing and quietly opened the back door. I pitched the meat towards it and it came down to eat it, but its mother, who was quicker flew down and carried it off, much to her baby's consternation.
She flew off with the beef dangling from her beak and her baby followed squawking in protest. I am sure she would have been a good mother and shared it with him. It made my day. I have found God often treats me with little scenes that delight me like that. I call them Love Glances. Just between Him and I...but I digress..
Having a few spoons has brightened my spirits. I have washed clothes, done dishes, made our bed, cooked lunch and prepared dinner.
I must hold back and pace myself though or I will crash and burn and be of no use tomorrow. It's a trap that I have fallen into before. But meanwhile, I will pace and plan cautiously even though I feel like flying with the birds!
Saturday, 29 August 2020
Basking in a new world
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Spoons glorious spoons!
Monday, 30 March 2020
Enjoying my time in the kitchen
Fold clothes from yesterday and put them awayMop the vinyl areasCook a shepherd's pie with mashed potato and peas for dinner
Friday, 27 March 2020
Waiting for my first wind
Washing- Folding and putting away the clothes
Finishing washing the dishes.Cook curried sausages with mashed potato and veggies for tea
Thursday, 26 March 2020
Things are getting done
Do a load of washing and put it away- Hang some pictures in the lounge room
Change our sheetsCook some chicken kievs for dinnerWash the dinner dishes from last night.