Showing posts with label age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label age. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

I can hardly wait! Again!


Do you remember reading that I was disappointed because the bath lift chair I bought could not fit under the bath tap? I had to sell it..

Well today my Occupational Therapist from my Aged Care Package came for a visit to our new home and brought the mobility gentleman with her. He had a lift chair with him and we did a dry run... and it went very well.

The bathroom tap did not get caught in my leg and I was able to lower the seat right to the bottom of  the bath. One has been ordered for me and I am very happy.

I am also happy because I have been told that I can get a mobility scooter in the near future which is cause for celebration... very happy to be getting one, but more excited about the bath lift...

As I said a couple of years ago, I can hardly wait

Sunday, 30 April 2023

Welcome! Come in and lie down!


So yesterday we  had plans to visit my son and my twin sister who share a house together..I had been looking forward to it for a while.

When it was time to rise, I didn't feel well enough to go and it was only because I had to deliver some medications that I made the effort to leave the house. My fibromyalgia and polymyalgia were both flaring and my body was missing the Prednisolone...

On our way there, I kept falling asleep, only waking up when the seatbelt garrotted me... I felt weak and disoriented.

By the time we arrived after a 40 minute drive, I couldn't focus and after ordering McDonalds online for lunch, I fell asleep at my sister's computer.

We ate lunch and I still felt like my head was full of cotton wool and my muscles especially in the neck and shoulders were so sore I nearly cried.

My twin and son who has chronic pain issues from a work injury and fibromyalgia, told me to go and lie down in her bed. My sister joined me and my son went to his room, leaving Chris to watch TV and/or sleep.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but Chris came in and asked to go as he was feeling unwell with his high sugars and wanted to go while it was still daylight.

We quietly let ourselves out and took the scenic easy route home...and I slept on and off throughout the journey...

Next week my twin and I will be 70 and they are planning to come to our place. Although I am looking forward to seeing them, I know it will be a shortlived visit.  

Chronic illness in the form of fibromyalgia, polymyalgia and lupus for her, dictate our lives somewhat... in spite of the best intentions, spoons dictate rigidly and always win.

We will eat, they will leave to go home to sleep. It looks very like I will be saying, "Welcome! Come in and lie down!"