Tuesday, 24 December 2024
Letting nothing you dismay!
Sunday, 17 November 2024
Rome wasn't built in a day!
As you probably know, we have recently moved again. It is almost complete with just a few boxes to unpack.
We are so very tired and I have exacerbated fibromyalgia and angina pain.
We love this new house and is still quite large like the one we have just left. But honestly, I really hope we dont have to move again because I feel quite done in.
Most things now have found a new home, but as soon as I recover from the move, I will declutter and organise our things better.
So I am finding myself falling asleep at the computer or feeling really razzed, and I have had to have a nana nap during the day or I won't have enough spoons to cook dinner...
And speaking of dinner, I have been making use of my slow cooker to help me when I haven't got any spoons. It has helped take the pressure off me.
Lately having no spoons is my new normal so I have had to rest and pace myself.
Something this move has taught me is to be patient. I have had to learn to wait until others are able to help me and my new mantra is "Rome wasn't built in a day!"
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
We walk that path together.
It's a sad fact that lately Chris and I wake up each morning feeling exhausted. We can sleep for 8 hours or sometimes 9 and still feel tired.
We ache all over and carry the "just woken up" brain fog all day. Our morning routine consists of bloods to check the blood sugar levels and then an insulin injection for Chris followed by a hearty breakfast of pills swallowed down with a nice cup of tea.
Our love language is spoons and our song of lamentation is that we don't have any or that it won't be sufficient for the day's activities. We live just to take another nana or grandpa nap.
Of course I have a double whammy of woes, with my diabetes and fibromyalgia. The pain never departs except for the brief few minutes Chris rubs my feet. I have the combined effects of peripheral neuropathy, in my toes especially and the foot pain that comes with fibro.
With ongoing chronic fatigue, I am certain to fall sleep just 5 minutes into my foot rub. I joke and tell Chris that these days it's better than sex!... only between us- I think it's true! I mean when everything hurts and it's hard to breathe with angina and pulmonary hypertension, foot rubs now are the only pleasure in life that steadies my breathing and still relaxes me..
And talking of breathing, that RSV flu type virus is still hanging around. Not as bad, but bad enough to have me keep my asthma puffers strategically placed at my dining table, computer desk and bedside. It too drains my energy and adds to the joy of a fibromyalgia flare.
Statistics show that more women have fibromyalgia than men, but I often wonder if Chris' chronic fatigue and constant body pains are indeed fibro... there's no particular test to find out, but it wouldn't surprise me at all...
Meanwhile, he lives the horrible life of a fibromite, but at least he doesn't have to validate himself with me. We walk that path together...
Saturday, 22 June 2024
Not any time soon
These last few weeks have been difficult to say the least. We have been moving my sister in here until she finds a new home for rent. With fibromyalgia flaring, the spoons have not even been seen.
To top it off, RSV has been in our house and we have been knocked down like flies.With Chris, Julie and I all suffering from heart and lung problems, RSV hit us hard.
I caught it off my great-granddaughter when she came for a visit a week before she developed symptoms. Being a sharing person, she passed it on to her mother, Chris and Julie then me.
Chris only had symptoms like a bad cold and was ill for about a week, I was very ill with it lasting two weeks and Julie was sickest of all with hers lasting three weeks. Julie has lupus so it played havoc with her health.
This is not a virus to be played with. It honestly nearly carried Julie and I off. Julie told me it was worse than when she had Covid. I can only attest that it made me sicker than when I had pneumonia. I have never had Covid, and I tested myself at my sickest point. It was negative.
Now I am feeling a bit better but it has left me very exhausted and requiring frequent rests and/or nana naps. Maybe it's that and my fibromyalgia flaring. It was hard work moving my sister..
So to today: I am slowing trying to get my home into order. My floors need vaccuuming and mopping. My toilets are in need of a good clean and I need to conquer Dish City and Mt Laundry.
I will get there but not any time soon.
Sunday, 2 June 2024
I. have. never. felt. so. weary!
Friday, 3 May 2024
I am already there!
In a few days I will be turning 71. It's been a bumpy ride punctuated with bursts of hard work in raising 5 children punctuated with the misery of chronic illness adding to the joy.
I think it's normal to feel tired in your seventies, but when one has fibromyalgia, polymyalgia, heart disease, spinal problems, diabetes and pulmonary hypertension as constant companions, well- it makes me tired just thinking of doing the smallest task.
Lately I have been reflecting on my life and trying to simplify it even more than it is now. And I have done a few things to avoid feeling false guilt and perfectionism.
I have unfollowed all my online groups for cooking, housework and household tips and decluttering. I still do these things, but at a snail's pace. I don't have to add to my perfectionism by fueling it.
I have also unfollowed all my feeds for pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding as it tends to make me nostalgic for something that is no longer a part of my life.
Similarly, I have gotten rid of household check lists and calenders about homemaking routines. They never work for me as I am so often out of spoons due mainly to fibromyalgia flares.
All my married life I have written out meal menus but now that Chris is very often not hungry or at least is very picky, I must cook to adapt to his fancies for dining thus invalidating my menu plan..
Always an Aldi girl, I now shop for groceries totally online, visit my doctor via phone consult, order my prescriptions online and pay all my bills online.
I rarely leave the house these days. Everything is slowing down for me these days and I need it to stay that way.
Even with help once a fortnight for housecleaning, I find just running the home during the two weeks between cleans physically taxing.
As I said, I think it's OK to slow down when you age...and I am no longer like the fairy godmother... managing my home easily and without much effort.
I just have to accept that like the fairy godmother I am not getting old: I am already there!
Saturday, 13 April 2024
Russian roulette
I hear so much about having a rest or nana nap when it gets really bad, but any Fibromite will tell you that you often wake up worse than before and your muscles feel like it's early morning again.
It's a game of Russian roulette to take a gamble of feeling better after a nana nap. Waking up can go either way.
Are you willing to gamble reliving morning muscle pain again? Lotsa luck!
Wednesday, 6 March 2024
It was good while it lasted!
Friday, 16 February 2024
The power of a nana nap
Saturday, 10 February 2024
Xena's still upset with me!
For those of you who follow my sister blog, Morning Cuppas With Glenys, you may recall that recently I had to rescue a sparrow from our little white cat, Xena's mouth.
Although it's been 2 weeks since that rescue, my relationship with her has gone south! She ignores me. When she lays on the floor in front of me, she keeps her back to me and if she walks past me on my computer desk, she presents her bottom to me as she passes me to drink from her drinking fountain on my desk.
I can't work out why she's so upset and why her grudge has continued for so long. She is well fed so the bird affair must have been for sheer pleasure of the hunt. And although the hunt was successful, she didn't get to enjoy the fruit of it...
Maybe she was trying to please me by bringing this poor bird home like the time she brought home a dead mouse and laid it on my back doorstep.. perhaps my rejection has hurt her feline feelings...
With a very nasty fibromyalgia flare and extreme fatigue, I have been having frequent nana naps and she does still come into bed with me...
But the feeling of companionship is lacking now and I want it back. But how does one say sorry to a cat?
I fear that our relationship is permanently damaged and I am fully expecting her to put out her tongue at me to air her feelings..
I am checking her little claws as she sometimes accidentally scratches me in the night when she's curled up beside me.
Come to think of it, maybe it's not accidental- maybe she's still fuming... I will never know. What I do know though, is that Xena's still upset with me!
Friday, 15 December 2023
It's OK to have a simple Christmas
Sunday, 19 November 2023
Not falling off the vine
Since turning 70 last May, I have noticed a rapid decline in our health. Heart issues are worsening, pains are hurting, fibromyalgia is making spoons are scarce and my mood is darkening.
We both are enjoying the peace in our home that has been jealously guarded and nurtured. Quite simply, we cannot cope with other's dramas.So much so that we have become reclusive.
The days when we don't have to leave our home are cherished days. And even though we make a point to get dressed each morning, we are not adverse to having a couple of Pajama Days occasionally.
In short, we are wearing out. Physically, mentally and emotionally, we are spent. I can say that we aren't spiritually spent because we pray and worship a lot. It does help.
I have been posting a little spasmodically because of excessive fatigue, and I have decided that from tomorrow onward, I will post in a diary form recording bloods, blood pressure and so on. Plus anything else the LORD puts on my heart.
Today is Sunday and I have just done the least I can do to keep our home manageable. With the fatigue being bad and no spoons, I took a nana nap and it turned into a grandma nap. Three hours.
But I woke up and felt a bit better and managed to fold some clothes that had spent their new clean life in the laundry basket...
Anyway, I had a comforting thought which I will share: there's an old saying that the aged say... "I am so ripe that I am falling off the vine!" Not very comforting.
But the next thought was comforting- physically, yes I am- but spiritually, not so. Instead I am grafted into the Vine- Jesus and He sustains me and gets me through this painful path called life...
So, with His help, I am definitely not falling off the vine!
Tuesday, 1 August 2023
Spoons are a distant memory.
Lately I have had a flare of my fibro flare. It's resulted in the most epic fatigue that it seems just breathing is an effort.
It's actually been going on for months. I keep referring to it as a flare, but today I realised it's a flare that never gives up. It's eternal- with no discernable beginnning and no end in sight.
I can sleep for 12 hours and still have no energy.
We eat good nutrional food. I cook everything from scratch, but the ennui and corporeal exhaustion still remain.
I often think if I just have this or another cup of that, it will help me regain some spoons, but unfortunately nothing seems to help. I never got my first wind, let alone catch my second!
My doctor is going to run some tests especially focussing on my thyroid and iron levels. I personally don't think it's that. My iron levels have been consistently high and my thyroid level is normal and has responded to my Thyroxine which I take for hypothyroidism. But I will do the tests anyway.
No, I think fibromyalgia is the culprit for my physical exhaustion. It seems now to be a way of life.
Spoons are a distant memory.
Saturday, 15 July 2023
Just living is a physical ordeal.
Friday, 23 June 2023
I need him awake and aware
Thursday, 8 June 2023
You better go check yours out!
So as you know I have been having problems staying awake. Even after 8 hours of sleep, I battle keeping my eyes open during the day.
This has had me perplexed and I have blamed my fibromyalgia, which still may be a part of what I have been struggling with, but certainly not all.
Going through my refrigerator last week, I sorted through the side top shelf on the door where I keep Chris's insulin injections and my thyroxin. Checking the dates, I was shocked to see that my thyroxin was out of date by two months!
I quickly discarded them and put a new week of indate tablets in my pill container for the week. No wonder I have had peeling skin off my face, hair loss and fatigue...
It's been 6 days so far with little change, but I would expect the synthetic thyroid hormone to build up in my system soon... I am hoping I don't have to wait long.
I am so switched on with medications and foods and so on that have a limited shelf life, but this time, it fell through the cracks...
Considering I have been battling a long term fibromyalgia flare for about 10 months... yes nearly 11 months since moving here, I guess I have to cut myself some slack. Nevertheless, when I discovered the out of date meds, I did tell myself that I am an old sausage! And I am! You better go check yours out!
Thursday, 1 June 2023
It starts with you
Lately, I have realised that one of the reasons for my high blood pressure is probably in the way I stress about not being able to do what I want due to fibromyalgia.
Although I know that I am not to blame for being ill, I sometimes find myself berating myself and feeling cross that I am a lame duck. It really gets to me at times.
Often I succumb to false guilt, the guilt that comes from matters that are not in my control, and it is easy to go to the Pit of Despair. You do not want to go there.
On rare occasions, I burst into tears and it is then that Chris usually comes to my rescue, pointing out that it's not my fault, that whatever needs to be done can wait or he promises that he will do it...
It made me think that sometimes I am my own worst enemy. By self-condemnation, I am making a sad situation worse for myself.
When I realised that it was my thinking that makes me get so down sometimes, I smiled at the irony: usually I am trying to validate my tiredness and pain to "normals"- those who do not live with chronic pain and no spoons. Now the "normals" are validating me.
So today, after cleaning my kitchen and making lunch, I am going to "the beach" again. I am going to relax and only get up again when it is time to cook tea.
I am going to start to speak to myself as I would speak to someone else who was ill and blaming themselves: lovingly and kindly. Which just doesn't come naturally to me. I have patience with everyone except myself.