Showing posts with label Covid19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid19. Show all posts

Friday, 12 August 2022

A nasty dictator


Yesterday was a very busy day and I am feeling the after effects now. My fibromyalgia is flaring and the pain is incredible. 

Dianne my daughter was not able to get the staples out from her total knee replacement because the doctors and nurse said a week out of surgery is too early to remove them- especially on a bending joint. We had to reschedule to next Thursday. 

Then I was not allowed to accompany her into physio because I am not vaxxed against covid. So I helped her return her hired crutches-(she has her own) and left. 

I accompanied her teen son into his counselling appointment, talked to the psychologist as he is a new patient, then left them to discuss things. 

It was so much walking and in and out of cars that my own knees were quivering. Di's pain level was off the charts as it is difficult to get in and out of our car- it is high. She begged me to not undergo knee surgery myself. (I have both knees with torn ligaments) She didn't have to beg much. I don't like pain.

Today I am just resting and making a stew in my slow cooker. That's the best I can do today. Fibromyalgia is a wicked task master and a nasty dictator. 

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Or should I say, how little!

It's Wednesday morning here. I have cleaned my kitchen and taken meat out to thaw for dinner. I am going to cook pork chops with mashed potato and greens with gravy.

My sister's son came to visit her for Mother's Day. He brought some homemade scones with cream and jam for her and my nephew to enjoy. They share a house together.

During the visit, he shared that his own son is at home with Covid. Yesterday, he rings and says he's now positive too. With lupus, fibro and other diseases, and with my son with breathing problems, they are worried that they will catch it too. They aren't vaxxed. So far my son and my sister are OK but are getting some RAT's this afternoon. 

Chris is sleeping sitting up on the couch. He really needs to go back to the doctor as he's feeling like he's drowning in fluid. I have been encouraging him to go, but he's very stubborn. Consequently, he doesn't get much sleep and can't lie down. 

It's hard looking after him because of this fear of doctors and hospitals. It's not like he's a child and you just take them....

There's not much else planned for today. My fibromyalgia pain is bad. I'm so glad at this stage of my life that I can decide how much I will do each day. Or should I say, how little!  

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Coming to terms with it

Fibromyalgia is flaring and my spoons are scarce today, so it's just basic home duties for me.  Dishes, washing and meals.

If I can get down the steps today, I want to sit in the garden swing. I need the fresh air and relaxation that watching the birds brings. They are getting quite cheeky and tame now. I only have to open the door and they converge on the back porch/decking chirping at me to get them something to eat. 

They stand there practically with their hands on their hips, feet tapping: why are we waiting? Quite funny. I know they case the house out- I see their shadows on the roof and carport. I will miss this place. Chris wants to move back into "civilisation" when we sell the fiver. With Covid, we haven't had any chance to get people here to see it. 

As with coming to terms with the knowledge that my fibromyalgia and other issues will not get better, so I am trying to come to terms with missing out on country life.

Thursday, 4 November 2021

My day is all stitched up

Today is a bad fibromyalgia day. I am aching so badly I want to cry. But I don't think I even have the energy to do that! 

I meant to take up some cricket pants yesterday for my daughter in law. She needs them for next week's first match of the year. So that is on my priority list today. I finally found my sewing machine again. I haven't used it since we moved in here which is 2 years at Christmas. 

I have dishes to do as well as cooking. I had run out of bread and had to ring DIL who lives locally. She picked up a loaf for me at the local store as Chris was feeling too giddy with vertigo to drive today.  I can't because of my torn meniscuses. Woolworths ran out of bread at their online shopping food distribution centre, and although they refunded me, I needed the bread. 

Everybody is buying their food online and Covid seems to be the reason. Their shelves are getting low and every week there's something I am unable to order. I know I can bake a loaf  but I don't have the energy right now.

Would you believe me if I tell you I have psyche myself up to take those cricket pants up?- and that may use all my spoons for today! I guess you could say my day is all stitched up! 


Sunday, 24 October 2021

They have me well trained

So yesterday was a lovely day. I got up and was making breakfast when I heard the familiar song of the kingfisher calling me. He was sitting on the back porch and was waiting for me to feed him. They have me well trained.

So I grabbed a piece of bread and quietly opened the glass sliding door and threw some pieces towards him. He swooped on it before it had hardly hit the ground, and flew off.

Soon some magpies came a callin for a feed and I grabbed my phone and took a video of them to show you. The mother magpie was joined by her baby and later on the father came with another baby and Mother started feeding him as well.

I know I have told you before how much I love this place, and it's days like this that make me happy. We have just signed another 12 month lease to rent this home and I couldn't be happier.

There's nowhere nicer to recover from a fibromyalgia flare than here. The sun comes around to the back of the house and hits the couch where I like to lay. With just the wire door closed, the sounds of the birds and the stream running in the background, all bathed in warm sunlight, creates the same feeling as lying in the sun at the beach. In fact, Chris and I call it "the beach"

Usually we have a wide variety of rosella, parrots, galahs and corellas come into the yard for the parrot food we put out in the bird feeder for them. But it's been out of stock at the moment because of Covid shortages, so we haven't seem a lot of them recently.

Nothing goes to waste in our house. It all goes out to feed the birds. And they are very grateful. They sit and call for me to feed them and then after they have their beaks full, some of them linger, do a little dance in a circle and almost curtsy to me. 

So I think they are grateful that we are attentive to them and feed them on cue. I love them- and one thing I know for sure is that they have me well trained. 

Friday, 1 October 2021

Today was a washout.


We had an interesting day. On our way to the doctor and chemist, we found a roadblock because of the heavy flooding we've experienced these last few days. So we tried 3 other ways, only to find a police block on the third. The road has been washed away.

Our small township is cut off from travel at the moment, so we had to cancel. The receptionist got the doctor to ring us but it didn't do me much good as I was needing my blood pressure taken. More rain is forecast for the next 10 days. 

My orthopaedic surgeon for my damaged knee was cancelled as well. We are quite happy to stay home with 1400 new Covid cases today in Victoria including 22 from our area. I may not reschedule as I am determined not to have surgery as hospitals are best to be avoided at the moment. 

I have been shopping for extras in case of emergency, so it paid off today when we couldn't get out. I have plenty of medications in the house too. I am so glad I did some planning.

My only grumble was that we had to shower, dress and leave the house for nothing. My fibromyalgia pain is at a disabling level. I think the weather has caused a major flare. 

After dinner I will be getting back in my PJ's and taking a Tramadol and curling up with my electric blanket. At least the night won't be a washout. Today certainly was.

This is what met us trying to get out of our township.

Monday, 19 July 2021

More than enough to do

We are on a snap lockdown.  I need to get some prescriptions filled.  Also I have some mail to pick up at the post office.

Apart from essential services such as post and chemist, everything else is closed or people are working from home. 

This is our fourth lockdown  this  year and  is mainly because  people  are not following protocols when they have been interstate. Oh well, as the young ones say, it is what it is. 

I  have dishes to do,  a  load of washing  to fold  from the dryer  and cook dinner.  After the chemist and post office. 

The way I feel today with my fibromylgia flaring and back pain,  it will be more than enough to do...

Friday, 9 July 2021

I can't decide what to wear!

I am so excited! Tonight is Bin Night! I get to take our rubbish bins out for collection. With Covid lockdowns, torn meniscus and wonky other knee, spinal problems and fatigue from my fibromyalgia flares, and now a sick husband as well, we don't get out much!

Going out for any reason is a treat and I look forward to taking the bins out. They are so lucky as they go out more than we do these days!

It's all well and good to take them out, and my excitement is real, but I only have one problem that detracts from the pleasure and keeps my feet on the ground- I just can't decide what to wear! 


Saturday, 5 June 2021

Enjoying some morning sunshine


Chris and I are not getting enough Vitamin D so we took the opportunity yesterday to sit on our garden swing together and catch some rays.

Xena found some meat I had left out for our magpies and kingfishers and you can see her in the start of the video. 

We just listened to the silence punctuated with some birds calling and we just luxuriated in the warm rays.

Just beyond our fence is a stream running through the back of our property with some paddocks rolling out along the stream edge. The cows come to graze a couple of times a day, moving right along all the paddocks, grazing as they go.

With winter on us now, we try to get outside and get some sun and it is really nice to feels the rays on our skin but I have to be careful as it's very easy to fall asleep. It wouldn't be very restful to fall onto the scoria under the swing.

It's nice to focus on pretty birds, cats and cows and get away from the news and I only really listen to it once a day. I need to know about lockdowns rules and so on. After I find out, I switch it off.  

We have been on lockdown again last week and metropolitan Melbourne has had it extended for another week. It has been lifted a bit for us as we are regional. But we can't travel far.

My fibro and polymyalgia are flaring and I find myself longing to go to bed, but I try to resist going back. I prefer sitting on the swing holding Chris's hand and enjoying some morning sunshine.

Friday, 28 May 2021

It's the only silver lining


So there's been 26 new cases of Covid19 in Victoria, and the government has called for a lockdown of our entire state again.

It's a bit of a drag because we are trying to sell our fifth wheeler and family members are trying to move. With only essential workers allowed to leave the house, it will be all put on the back burner until at least next Thursday.

As Chris is unwell and I am suffering from polymyalgia rheumatica and fibromyalgia flares at the same time, it will not be too inconvenient for us to stay put.

I have been weaned off Prednisolone and after just a few days, I wish I could go back on it. Panadol slow release tablets don't do much to relieve the  pain and my fingers and hands are seizing up again. How I wish they could find something that is as effective in pain relief.

So today I only will be cooking dinner, doing a load of washing and later taking a shower. I am so low on spoons that to me it's a marathon.

With this being our autumn in Australia, I am finding the inclement and changing weather effects my fibro really badly.  So in not being allowed to go anywhere this week gives me a welcome break from having to push myself to get dressed and go out.

I guess it's the only silvcr lining.