So this Corona Virus is getting serious here Down Under. In our home state, Victoria, people have been dropping like flies after a whiff from the can of Mortein.
Melbourne and metropolitan towns have been told to stay at home and even we in the rural areas have been asked to limit our business outside the home.
Masks are becoming mandatory after midnight Wednesday for those in lockdown and we here have been requested to comply.
We had a telephone consult about our three monthly blood tests and although Chris's sugars at 9.2 have come down, there's room for improvement. He has to double his Januvia tablets.
My sugars were 8 which our doctor has said was good but could be better. I do have a high GTT on my liver report. Just another thing to worry about, I suppose. Kidney function is good. Cholesterol is fine too.
I don't get much sun as I am inside mainly so not surprisingly, my vitamin D is low. I am to take 2 Vit D tablets from now on to give it a boost.
Due to comorbidities, Chris and I have been told to wear a mask when shopping etc. I accordingly bought some on ebay today because it is cheaper than the chemist.
I am experiencing some itchy hands from the constant hand sanitisers when we leave the house. I know they are important, and I do use them, but I use soap and water at home.
It's just another cross to bear with fibromyalgia vying for top place in the itching field. My hands usually only itch after I clap my hands.
But all in all, we have to stay vigilant to stay safe, so I will do as I am told. We have faith in God, but have to have a teachable heart with matters like Corona.
So we keep social distancing, and we watch and pray, and wash our hands.