Showing posts with label vaccination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vaccination. Show all posts

Friday, 12 August 2022

A nasty dictator


Yesterday was a very busy day and I am feeling the after effects now. My fibromyalgia is flaring and the pain is incredible. 

Dianne my daughter was not able to get the staples out from her total knee replacement because the doctors and nurse said a week out of surgery is too early to remove them- especially on a bending joint. We had to reschedule to next Thursday. 

Then I was not allowed to accompany her into physio because I am not vaxxed against covid. So I helped her return her hired crutches-(she has her own) and left. 

I accompanied her teen son into his counselling appointment, talked to the psychologist as he is a new patient, then left them to discuss things. 

It was so much walking and in and out of cars that my own knees were quivering. Di's pain level was off the charts as it is difficult to get in and out of our car- it is high. She begged me to not undergo knee surgery myself. (I have both knees with torn ligaments) She didn't have to beg much. I don't like pain.

Today I am just resting and making a stew in my slow cooker. That's the best I can do today. Fibromyalgia is a wicked task master and a nasty dictator. 

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Bathing in it


So, I have really had a hard week of it. I am physically and emotionally spent and it's all about the ravages of Covid in my family.

Firstly, we have had pleas of vaccinated family and friends to take the Covid vax ourselves. This is not going to happen unless our backs are up against the wall. We have spent a considerable amount of time defending our reasonings and copping flack for our choice.

The government is getting more strident in its call to be fully vaxxed and more and more punitive measures in restrictions are coming into play. So much for vaccination not being mandatory: it is really.

My adult children have decided to get vaxxed against my advice and  so has my teenaged grandson. It is their and his parents call I guess.

Then yesterday my grandson got his second Moderna shot and ended up in ER with heart palpitations and fast heartbeat. He is now home, but they said it was a reaction to the shot. He's doing better today.

Furthermore, his paternal grandmother in her 70's developed a deep vein thrombosis two weeks after her  Astra Zeneca jab. But the hospital denies it was the vax. Of course.

My son has been double vaxxed and he and his partner have tested positive for Covid. The only non Covid related whammy for me this week was my other son succumbing to his back injury and being too afraid to go to hospital because of the chance of getting Covid as well. He hasn't been vaxxed.

Chris and I both have existing health issues that need a specialist's input before we are to consider it. So says our doctor. Otherwise we could get an exemption, but would still be limited in our freedoms and seen by the general public as a threat.

All this has ended up with a major fibromyalgia flare which is exacerbated by arguing our case with newly vaxxed family preaching vaccination benefits at us with evangelical zeal. It's all too much.

So today I am not answering phone calls but am going to try to rest as much as I can which should be easy with the measly amount of spoons at my disposal today. 

I want to not think of Covid and vaccinations at all, but I want to take a Tramadol for my considerable body pains and maybe go back to bed.

But first of all, I am going to boil the kettle and make a really large cup of tea. This should help the Tramadol work faster. Tea always is welcome for me and during a fibro flare, it is invaluable as a comfort drink and pick me up.

These days, the only problem with that is that I can't find a big enough cup to satisfy my thirst and tea cravings. To be honest, at the moment, I feel that I not only need to drink tea with gay abandon, but would love to be bathing in it.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Painted in to a corner

So we visited our doctor last week and he asked us if we wanted the Covid 19 vaccine. With both of us with weak hearts, diabetic and obese, plus being older he told us we should consider it.

Well, we have considered it. With ordinary flu vaccines, both of us had a really bad reaction to it, and we both swore we wouldn't have another one. So we declined.

We pointed this out to him, plus the added problem with my blood being sticky and my propensity to make clots, it seems too risky. Even with Clopidogrel and aspirin blood thinners which I am on for life.

The doctor said if I wanted it that he would consult with my specialist who deals with my antiphospholipid syndrome. When I told him I didn't have one, he said that he would have to refer me to one and take it from there.

I asked if he was planning to have the vaccine and he said he and all in his clinic had already had it. I asked him which one. He replied AstraZeneca. 

Now AstraZeneca has been ceased in some European countries because it seems to be linked to many cases of blood clots.

As an older person, I would be given AstraZeneca here in Australia to leave the other vaccines for those under 50 who may be at greater risk of blood clots. 

With severe muscle pain already from fibromyalgia, I can do without feeling even worse. Especially for a disease that has a 98% survival rate if you are unlucky enough to catch it in the first place.

So we declined and the doctor was OK with that. For the moment. Because I can foresee in the near future that there will be more pressure on people to be vaccinated, especially as more vaccines become available.

I will never agree to being vaccinated and it's OK now, but with a muted message on Twitter from our Prime Minister that "certain things will have to be done to ensure all are vaccinated" and revealing that even Australian citizens may not be able to return to Australia if unvaccinated, the die is cast for some coersion in complying.

We will be standing our ground on this experimental vaccine, but we feel that it's only a matter of time before we are ordered to comply and are painted in to a corner.