Showing posts with label busyness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label busyness. Show all posts

Sunday, 21 February 2021

How to work without dropping from exhaustion.

Sometimes we can get so busy trying to complete our long list of tasks, that we forget to take time out for ourselves during the day.

By time out, I mean taking breaks to keep hydrated, to eat a meal, attend to the calls of nature or to just sit and contemplate one's navel or day dream.

It's important to our mental health as well as our physical well-being.  When we are chronically ill with fibromyalgia for example, we need to learn to pace ourselves between tasks. And here I must say, one should just enjoy the rest break and not feel guilty for taking time out.

It takes a bit of planning to feel productive as well as pacing oneself in order to not suffer too greatly the next day. Here's what I do...

  • I write down just the main and most important things I want to achieve by the end of the day. 
  • Then I pencil in how long each task should take. 
  •  I work through that list with breaks in between. 
  • I allow 15 minutes between tasks. 
  •  When I see how soon I can be finished, it usually motivates me to get going. 
  • Visualising how the house will look better after helps too.

Working out how long the list of tasks should take ensures that regular rest breaks are taken to ensure you don't run out of spoons before the list is complete.

There's nothing nicer than reaching the end of your list and feeling a sense of accomplishment without working till you drop from exhaustion...