Tuesday, 24 December 2024
Letting nothing you dismay!
Monday, 23 December 2024
Christmas is for you!
Sunday, 24 December 2023
It is what it is!
Friday, 15 December 2023
It's OK to have a simple Christmas
Saturday, 10 December 2022
Failing fast
My body is failing me and the fatigue is not only sapping my strength but my mental faculties. It is hard to formulate a sentence these days.
I have been to the doctor. My blood pressure meds have been increased (200/86) and that in itself makes me tired.
These days it takes me all my time to look after Chris and my home. Forget socialising.
I am on the strongest oral antibiotics, taking 9 a day. They have brought the boil on my spine to a head. I am waiting for it to pop itself, rather than try to squeeze it. Though I think I would die from the pain if we tried to do that. The boil is quite large.
I pace myself to try to eke out my meagre spoons but I find I just have to have a nana nap in the day to have enough spoons to cook dinner.
I am praying that I feel better for Christmas as we are having family here for lunch Christmas Day. Most certainly I will have to be stronger than what I am now. My body is failing fast.
Sunday, 30 October 2022
Silly season's begun already
Friday, 23 September 2022
Planning already
This year because we finally have a larger home, I am hosting Christmas Day lunch.
As always, I need to plan and pace myself because of my chronic fatigue, so I am looking into buying my foods and gifts early.
Currently I am investigating if I can freeze a joint of ham and one of pork. Also, what type of ham is the nicest to buy?
I know I am going to have a fibromyalgia flare by Boxing Day, but it will be worth it to have some good memories.
Sometimes you just have to push yourself or you never do anything. I am looking forward to it! But to minimise any major flare after Christmas and leading up to it, I am planning already!
Sunday, 26 December 2021
The cupboard was bare.
Friday, 24 December 2021
Oh no, no ho ho!
Monday, 20 December 2021
No mojo with fibro
Tuesday, 14 December 2021
Resting my tired twinkle
Wednesday, 8 December 2021
A merry little Christmas
We are waiting for the real estate to carry out their 6 monthly house inspection for our rental. There won't be any problems. We love our home and have a lady come do some cleaning every two weeks. Just the stuff like vacuuming and mopping that we can't do anymore.
I have washed all our bedding over the last few days and stored our doonas away because we are now in our summer. Next week I will wash our pillows.
I will be making some sugar cookies to try out my Christmas nativity rolling pin. The cookie cutters came yesterday. I want to get the dough right before I make them up for Christmas gifts. If our little granddaughter is here before Christmas Day, I will let her help. She loves being in the kitchen and I let her cook or bake.
Our doctor is going to do a phone consult for us this afternoon. It's mainly for prescriptions but I need some advice on meds for Chris's fluids. His feet are swollen like balloons. (He has heart failure) I could have gotten in to actually see the doctor this afternoon, but Chris won't go, so I settled on the phone consult.
I put our little Christmas tree up and hung a wreath on the door..
Just taking things quietly each day. With another flare of fibromyalgia, it's enough. Like my 18" tree! We are going to have a merry "little" Christmas.
Thursday, 4 November 2021
My day is all stitched up
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
Flying with the birds
We came home on Boxing Day from spending Christmas Eve and Day with Chris's daughter. Xena was especially glad to see us- almost as glad as she was seeing the birds coming into the back garden to feast on the remains of the nibblies platter I ordered. (I took a photo for you!) See the kingfisher on the door mat that the wind blew over?
We had a lovely Christmas with family and it was very relaxing. So much so, that my fibromyalgia flare is lessening. I actually woke feeling refreshed and my muscles weren't feeling like they were tearing like they usually do.
It's been so long since I have had a respite from fibromyalgia flares that it felt strange. Good, but strange. Isn't it sad that one lives on the edge of agony so much that when the pain even abates just a little, you find the sensation agreeable but foreign? Such is fibromyalgia!
I received some nice presents for Christmas, but my favourite gift by far is some spoons or energy! I feel like I have won the lottery! Now if my broken tail bone would hurry up and heal, I would be rapt!
You know too how I said we have a lot of kingfishers around? Well, yesterday I was washing some dishes and I saw a kingfisher on the fence in front of me. I grabbed some offcuts of beef that were on the chopping board from the stew I was preparing and quietly opened the back door. I pitched the meat towards it and it came down to eat it, but its mother, who was quicker flew down and carried it off, much to her baby's consternation.
She flew off with the beef dangling from her beak and her baby followed squawking in protest. I am sure she would have been a good mother and shared it with him. It made my day. I have found God often treats me with little scenes that delight me like that. I call them Love Glances. Just between Him and I...but I digress..
Having a few spoons has brightened my spirits. I have washed clothes, done dishes, made our bed, cooked lunch and prepared dinner.
I must hold back and pace myself though or I will crash and burn and be of no use tomorrow. It's a trap that I have fallen into before. But meanwhile, I will pace and plan cautiously even though I feel like flying with the birds!
Saturday, 26 December 2020
My razzle dazzle is now frazzle.
Thursday, 17 December 2020
"Let nothing you dismay!"
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Smelling the roses!
The last few weeks have been full of drama and it has seen my body collapsing with the mother of all fibromyalgia flares and a (non Covid) viral infection. Most things have been resolved and I have my peace back again.
I have taken back control of my house in which I had fallen down during my illness, and I have had help from a cleaner from my aged care package.
A lot of our Corona limits have been lifted and I have been able to see my family. That has helped. More things will be lifted next Sunday and it looks hopeful that we will be able to see family at Christmas.
Chris is recovering well from his surgery and no longer needs special dressing of his wound. In fact, a bandaid suffices now. I am so cheered that he is well. I hate it when he is unwell.
The days are getting hotter with tomorrow set to be 33deg C but I am not concerned since we aren't going outside and we have air conditioners now.
We saw the doctor today for routine blood results and my blood pressure check as it was high last week. With giving my situation to the LORD and regaining my peace, it was 134/80 and the doctor was very pleased.
We have found a couple of Christian networks to watch wholesome movies and they have been very uplifting. One is New Faith Network for which I pay about $8AUD a month and the other is free for 14 days then $8AUD a month- ACCTV.net from Australia.
Chris and I sit of an evening and watch TV together and it all helps to bring stress levels down as well as blood pressure.
We are enjoying our back garden with a return of the prolific bird life that is so colourful. They have returned from their migration north to beat the winter and they are a joy to watch as they come down for the seed and food we leave for them.
Life can be so difficult, but can also be so wonderful: a great deal of the wonder of it all is to take time in smelling the roses!