Monday 9 March 2020

It's just the nature of the beast!

I wish I could tell you that my fibromyalgia flare is over, but I can't. This morning I woke with so much pain that I took my bath in the morning instead of at night, hoping it would unkink all my sore muscles. It didn't.

As I lay in the bath I planned my day and prayed for the energy to do it. If determination was the only way to get through, it would be a breeze! But alas, determination does not equate to spoons (energy), and at the end of the day it can actually lead to false guilt if I can't achieve what I wanted to.

In chronic illness, I find that whilst it is good to make plans, it is unlikely that all will be accomplished. Like me knowing that my diabetes is out of control (11.6) and I simply must accept that I cannot take much sugar in any form, I must accept that I can only do so much. Or so little. 

So, it's no good flogging myself like a dead horse. It is what it is. What gets done, gets done. What doesn't, doesn't. 

So today, I am just following Monday's List. And preparing a curried sausages in the slow cooker for dinner. 

If I get everything done or not, I will have to learn to be content. Chronic illness is tough, but I will have to accept it: it's just the nature of the beast.


  1. Glenys, gentle hugs to you too! This is a lesson we all need to learn. "it's no good flogging myself like a dead horse. It is what it is. What gets done, gets done. What doesn't, doesn't." We can be such task masters to ourselves. Blessings on a better day tomorrow. But remember, God doesn't view you a success of failure based on what you are able to accomplish. You are a success because you are his.

    1. I love what you said, Theresa. "You are a success because you are his." thank you.

  2. Praying for you in this.

  3. I have a homeopathic massage chair. Hurts like hell, but seems to ease the knots.
    Be well soon.

  4. I tried that once. Too painful. Sometimes just a gentle massage from Chris works better. I am glad something works for you... thanks for having a cuppa with me today!
