Wednesday 29 April 2020

Flat out like a lizard drinking

Our little white cat, Xena has found the perfect spot for a daytime sleep. We have her little bed in front of the back sliding door and she loves sleeping in it. The sun comes round after 11am and shines right in on her. Until it gets too hot, she sleeps happily in it.

We have been enjoying the autumn or fall afternoon sunshine as well as the days are cold but the sun coming through our door is delightful. Plus, it gives me Vitamin D which I am low on.

I am taking my afternoon nana naps on the couch now. With the door open a crack, we can hear the stream running behind the property, and of course the birds are chirping. It's hard to keep awake with the heat and birdsong. So I give into it.

Later on today I am going to purchase some magnesium tablets in an attempt to relieve myself of the muscle pains and calf cramps. I think maybe it's not just my fibromyalgia so I think it won't hurt to give the magnesium tablets a go.  My last blood test did say I was low in it. I am just so over being in pain.

I think more than being in pain all the time,  my sometimes being snappy with Chris hurts me more. I am so very glad he says he understands and doesn't hold it against me.

On my to list today is to do the tea dishes- (yes I left them last night) and to do some rissoles with mashed potato and veggies for tea.

Apart from that you will find me on the couch taking in the sunshine, flat out like a lizard drinking!


  1. Dear sweet Glenys it sounds so wonderful especially your little brook sounds!!
    What is it you are making for tea? Risoles?
    Are you taking calcium surge the magnesium? I've read that mag alone can make your blood pressure go up? Has anyone read that too?

  2. Hi Mona! Today the brook is rushing as it's swollen with water from the heavy rains we had yesterday. The rissoles went down well. I will have to investigate the magnesium because I am on 4 tablets a day for high blood pressure. With my kidney stones, I cannot take extra calcium. Thanks for letting me know.
