I have been trying to become a night owl. It seems that everything comes together after dinner.
The morning stiffness is gone, the pills have kicked in but the clock says it's bedtime. I am not ready to go.
My thinking is clearer after dinner. And the wisdom that comes from twenty plus years of fibro and chronic illness has kissed me on the face and whispered, "Stay with me. The night is but a pup!" and I have tried staying.
I have persisted in being a night owl until the book falls over my face, or I have woken with a start because my head has dropped onto my chest as I have fallen asleep in front of the TV or computer. And this has set the tone for the next day.
It is not unheard of for me to fall asleep in the passenger seat, garrotting myself with the seat belt as Chris drives us to an appointment or shopping. The midnight productive hours have not equipped me for a fruitful, productive day and I find myself fantasizing about my bed.
The day seems so long, and half way through, I succumb to bone weariness and crawl into my bed. The night owl has flown to sleep until evening, and though I could sleep until then, I know it's not likely.
You could say that the circadian rhythm has won. As much as I would like to be a night owl, fibromyalgia and other illnesses will call the shots and a nighttime ritual of early retirings will be in order. Just to survive the next day. Just to have some spoons!
After a recurrence of fibro flares, I can see that for me, being a night owl is not an option and I am better off having a regular bedtime. The circadian rhythm has won! And by dictating my lifestyle choices, so have the spoons!