Wednesday 13 January 2021

I'm not lazy!

You would not believe over the years how many people have shown their ignorance of fibromyalgia by gasping in horror when I say I do not have the strength or muscle power to even sweep my floor.

Because fibromyalgia is an invisible illness, people often think (and sometimes even voice) that I am lazy and a malingerer.

They cannot see the pain as my muscles and ligaments feel like they are tearing. The pain in my neck and shoulders and arms can be intense and it can last long after the floor has been swept.

Usually, it's my lack of spoons that stops me from doing cleaning, but it's muscular as well most times. I do have muscles, but they are like sparrows' knee caps! 

I honestly can no longer sweep, mop or vacuum. It sometimes gets to me because I know how most people think. Nevertheless, it is I who has to bear the pain of those tasks and the pain robs me of my rest and often is carried into the next day.

There are so many muscles involved in sweeping, mopping and vacuuming that come in to play with repetitious movements. Because they aren't used often, they whine and complain loudly.

Rather than pick up my broom I would rather put up with the rolling eyes and snide remarks of people who haven't even heard of fibromyalgia. I know what it is. I know who and what I am. And it's not lazy.

Today's tasks are:
  • one load of washing
  • Cook spaghetti bolognaise for dinner


  1. So sorry to hear that you have had to endure criticism for your chronic illness.

    1. I know I am not alone. People who don't even know what fibromyalgia is are often the most judgemental! Glad to share tea with you today, Michele.

  2. Glenys, so sad to hear of your struggle with the insensitivity of others regarding your chronic condition. Indeed you are not lazy, it takes tremendous strength to live with such a painful disease. Thank you for this post!

    1. There's a great difference to being inactive through illness to being lazy. Laziness implies you have a choice: sufferers of painful conditions have none! Thanks for taking tea with me today, Donna!

  3. Hi Glenys, your speaking to me. Fibro sister here. You speak volumes. My invisible illness of fibromyalgia has taken over my borrowed tent. But my inner life is abundantly filled with my love of our Lord. Blessings yo you.
    Visiting from Anchored Truth Tuesdays.

    1. I am so sorry you too suffer from fibro. I think staying close to the LORD and worshiping and praising Him often is doubly important when we suffer chronic pain. Thanks for visiting from Anchored Truth Tuesdays.
