So there have been a few cases of Corona Virus here in Australia. People have panicked and supermarket shelves here are running low on bottled water and toilet paper. Knives have been pulled on people over a dispute on toilet paper. There have been stampedes.
There is no need to panic. For starters, one- we have a very good health care system that can cope with helping anyone who succumbs to the virus and secondly, according to statistics, we have more of a chance of catching the common flu as we do of contracting and then dying of the Corona Virus.
I think the news is to blame, exaggerating and fear-mongering. It is no wonder there's panic in the ranks. We won't be stock piling. But we will be following normal precautions by avoiding large crowds, airports and even shopping centres. We will shop online. And we will wash our hands frequently. It's just basic hygiene really.
With how I am feeling at the moment, with the fibro flare not over and constantly tired, staying home and shopping online will be the norm for us anyway. But in all honesty, we are not panicking.
My list of to do's today is basic:
Follow Thursday's List- Do a 15 minute stint on FlyLady's Zone
Cook a stew in the slow cooker for dinner