Showing posts with label online shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online shopping. Show all posts

Friday 12 February 2021

Just when we came up for air!


So today I had just finished ordering my groceries online when I received the news that all of our home state, Victoria, is going into a five day lockdown starting tonight at midnight. It was a snap decision.

I have been preparing for this, so it didn't catch us unawares. Well, the timing caught us unaware, but the possibility that we could be forced to stay home again didn't.

Since the lifting of restrictions that saw us locked down for nine months, I have been gradually adding extra tinned foods, non perishables and drinks to our pantry. 

I have been gradually getting extra prescriptions and insulin injections made up in case of another snap decision by the Victorian government to enforce a lockdown. I am glad I did.

Although it is supposed to be for five days, with this virus mutating and so on, one never knows. It is  best to be prepared.

With no visitors allowed to our home and nowhere to go,  it will be easy to recover from my most recent fibromyalgia flare that has seen me unable to think clearly, let alone write a blog post. 

I won't be feeling guilty for going to bed during the day, but even so, I would prefer the freedom to come or go as I feel led. 

We Victorians are getting old hands at being cooped up at home and it can be depressing. Especially as we were just starting to relax and relish going for drives and visiting family. 

It was certainly a lovely time and we should have known it wouldn't last long. Typical of events with this horrid virus... it took us back to nine months lockdown just past and coming just when we came up for air!


Sunday 6 December 2020

Fibro is the pits!

Some Christmas presents have come early thanks to family who are impatient for Christmas and so today Chris hung my hanging baskets and kookaburra wall ornament up for me.

We have been getting kookaburras by the bus load in our back garden and when I saw this ceramic one, I wanted him for my front porch.

This has given the house more kerbside appeal, and I think the kookaburra is very handsome.

I am psyching myself up to go pick up my grocery order I placed online. It's one of those days where fibromyalgia has reared its ugly head in the form of excruciating muscle pain in my arms and neck.

We will be having a frozen dinner tonight as we had a big lunch. To be honest, I just want to go to bed but that can't happen until after the grocery pick up.

The rain is bucketing down which perhaps accounts for the extra muscle pain. The weather always effects my fibromyalgia....

Better get on with it and rest up afterwards. Fibro is the pits! 

Thursday 27 August 2020

Fresh out!

So with Victoria locked down due to the Corona Virus, shopping online has been the norm for most people who usually shop in person.

Due to fibromyalgia and trying to avoid getting the virus, shopping online for my groceries has been the way I choose to shop. Until today.

Doing my list, I was getting frustrated at the amount of things I need being temporarily out of stock, so in the end Chris and I decided to go to our nearest Aldi. 

Disinfecting our hands and trolley and wearing masks, we skirted the aisles as quickly as we could. Having already made a list for Woolworths online, I knew what was needed and we were able to fly around there in about half an hour.

As soon as we got to the car and loaded the groceries into the boot, we got in, took our masks off and sanitised our hands.

Aldi does not offer home delivery, but even so, it is my preferred choice because I get more value for money. However, until Rona is over, I will still do a shopping list online and see just what I can order.

Most products in the store are available, but I still prefer to shop online. By doing the list before shopping day, I can see if it's possible to buy our food that way. Most likely with the current trend, most of what I need is fresh out! 

Saturday 6 June 2020

Better days ahead!

We are still self isolating. Chris's sugars are slowly improving, as are his ears. I am planning on decluttering our home today as the home help lady is coming Wednesday to do our floors. I am looking forward to that. 

I ordered groceries online last night and they are going to be delivered this afternoon. Chris is the type of guy who could live on meat and two veg- as long as one of them is mashed potato! So that diet is great for his diabetes control. It is easy to do and I have a happy man! 

I ordered lots of frozen veg in packets that you steam in the microwave... and they do potato mash in white and sweet potato.  I usually make a gravy to pour over the vegetables.

With still feeling exhausted with my fibromyalgia flare, I am very appreciative of convenience foods that are still healthy. 

Anyway, with the sugars improving and Chris not so dizzy, I can not only see a light at the end of the tunnel, but I can see better days ahead!

Friday 17 April 2020

Enjoying my home

Even though we haven't enjoyed the fact that we have been on lockdown, we have still enjoyed our home.

We have done things around the house, I have tried new recipes to cook and we spend a lot of time just watching the birds and our cat.

There is a lovely feeling of peace, no anxiety and just a sense of calm. I am enjoying Chris's company and the days are going fast.

We have gone to bed late and slept in. Which is just as well because the changeable weather has my fibromyalgia flaring nastily.  It is so nice to be able to just take a nana nap without feeling guilty. 

I have done my grocery shopping online and ordered our medications on an app. That way I only have to run in and pick them up instead of waiting forever for them to be made up.

Yesterday's doctor's visit was done by phone with him faxing our prescriptions through to our chemist.

We are enjoying the peace of scripture and worship music playing in the background and my Quiet Time is now any time I feel like doing it. 

I honestly thought that being in lockdown would drive me nuts, but quite the opposite. Apart from knowing that I can't go out like before, I am still enjoying my home

Sunday 5 April 2020

Making room for more

So yesterday I did an inventory of our pantry and fridge stock and decided that I really should replenish it and even make room for more.

With us living on the aged pension, we have lived from pay to pay and day to day, but with the CV dictating our lives, we decided to use the $750 grant from the Australian government to stock up on food.

So on my to do list today is:

  1. Tidy the fridge and pantry
  2. Fold today's washing and put it away
  3. Make Shepherd's pie for dinner
I was able to grocery shop online as I am a senior and also disabled with fibro, back and heart problems. One can apply for Priority Assistance and they will deliver your groceries if you provide your Customer registered number from Department of Human Services aka Centrelink.

I had to chuckle when I checked the bottom of the pantry: there's so much cat food there. I think Xena per rata has three times the amount of food as we do. (And still she is fussy)

I better get a wriggle on and sort this pantry out before the food is delivered. I am grateful that I have the means and quite enjoy the feeling of making room for more! 

Thursday 2 April 2020

A neighbourly thing to do.

So I did my grocery shop online yesterday. Sadly, they were out of stock with sugar. So Chris and I went to the supermarket to get that and some other essentials like milk (out of stock) and bread.

No white sugar at all... just dark brown. So there I was thinking all was well with my stocked pantry, only to find I have one small canister of sugar left.

We put out the call to local family and fortunately for us, they have plenty and are willing to share. They are going to leave some for us on our front porch.

Whilst the supermarkets were restocking the shelves, Chris told me that they were unpacking unessentials. All the essential stuff: toilet paper, hand sanitiser, milk, bread, flour and sugar weren't available.

Chris went in by himself and I sat in the car as it's silly to have both of us go in for a few things.  Besides, I was saving my spoons for today. I have some household chores to clean up and it is a race between detemination to get it done and my spoon swallowing flare of fibromyalgia.

So on today's list is:

  1. Folding more washing and putting it away
  2. Doing last night's dishes and this morning's as well
  3. Making some mini quiches to freeze
  4. Making cookie dough also to freeze
I think that will be it for today for my spoons and definitely it will be it for my sugar. Such a small thing until you run out of it. Now I can obviously see that lending a cup of sugar is a neighbourly thing to do.

Thursday 5 March 2020

No need to panic

So there have been a few cases of Corona Virus here in Australia. People have panicked and supermarket shelves here are running low on bottled water and toilet paper. Knives have been  pulled on people over a dispute on toilet paper. There have been stampedes. 

There is no need to panic. For starters, one- we have a very good health care system that can cope with helping anyone who succumbs to the virus and secondly, according to statistics, we have more of a chance of catching the common flu as we do of contracting and then dying of the Corona Virus.

I think the news is to blame, exaggerating and fear-mongering. It is no wonder there's panic in the ranks.  We won't be stock piling. But we will be following normal precautions by avoiding large crowds, airports and even shopping centres. We will shop online. And we will wash our hands frequently. It's just basic hygiene really.

With how I am feeling at the moment, with the fibro flare not over and constantly tired, staying home and shopping online will be the norm for us anyway. But in all honesty, we are not panicking.

My list of to do's today is basic:

  1. Follow Thursday's List  
  2. Do a 15 minute stint on FlyLady's Zone
  3. Cook a stew in the slow cooker for dinner

Wednesday 4 March 2020

More tea, Dear?

So whilst writing this post, I bought in some water and a cup of tea to take my morning medications. I was interrupted by a knock at the door which was the Woolworths delivery man with my online grocery delivery.

When I came back, I was horrified to see my little cat, Xena drinking happily from my tea cup! Knowing that the tea had already been spoilt for me, I stood back and let her finish drinking. Luckily, my phone was on my computer desk and I was able to take a picture of her lapping my tea.

She's a lover of Vegemite too. I found her a few weeks ago licking a plate that was stacked by the sink ready to be washed. She was really enjoying the saltiness of my Vegemite from my leftover breakfast toast. I guess she's a true Australian then! We love our Vegemite from the first tentative suck on a piece of toast our mothers offered us as babies. 

My sugars this morning were 10.1 which is better than 18.6 plus Ketones last night. I am avoiding sugar like the plague! I think I went wrong with eating a pear before going to bed last night...

I have a few things on my to do list today:
  1. Make our bed
  2. Clean my kitchen
  3. Dust
  4. Make another cup of tea to replace Xena's...
  5. Cook a Shepherd's Pie for dinner tonight:  not necessarily in that order :)
I think from now on I will have to make a cup of tea and pour it into Xena's drinking bowl with a piece of toast and Vegemite in her feed bowl. After all, in her mind she's not a cat: she's a human child who is very loved and spoilt. "More tea, Dear?"

Saturday 29 February 2020

Not lazy: smart

Anyone with chronic illness that makes you fatigued like fibromyalgia, will know that part of accepting the new normal is planning to do the most you can with the least amount of spoons. That applies to all housework chores and social activities. 

Lately, Chris and I have been ordering our groceries online. This has so many benefits and is worth the $15 delivery fee. It makes ordering the shopping easier by having a list of previous shops to copy from. Wonderful when concentrating is hard when one has brain fog from fibro or medications...

The delivery guy will even bring it into the kitchen and place it on the kitchen bench. It is then just a matter of putting it all away. So much better than handling it at the checkout, loading it into the boot of the car, bringing it all in.

As a Sacrificial Home Keeper, I have streamlined the inside activities, and now I have streamlined the outside activities. 

With paying for delivery, some may say shopping online for groceries is lazy: I say no: it's actually very smart. Designed with the Sacrificial Home Keeper in mind. I am very grateful for it.

Today's list is simple as I am still under the weather:

  1. Do dishes
  2. Fold clothes in dryer
  3. Make our bed
  4. Cook lamb stew in slow cooker for dinner

Thursday 6 February 2020

What I wouldn't give for a good sleep

Last night was a fizzer regarding sleeping. No matter how I positioned myself, sleep eluded me most of the night. I have woken up this morning so sore and tired that I don't know what to do with myself.

From twenty odd years of suffering from fibromyalgia, I know that today is going to be a wipe out. So I will be pacing myself and only doing the bare minimum of chores.

Yesterday I felt like this, but we had waited a week to see a new doctor and we had to go see him. He was good and seems to know his stuff. We have a few baseline blood tests to get done before we see him again next week.

We are into cooler weather with a top of 28C predicted. I have washed two loads of clothes and am too tired to hang it out. Sometimes you have to compromise when you have chronic illness. Sometimes you win, most time it does! 

I shopped online for groceries yesterday: the Woolworths delivery man is due soon... I am saving my few spoons to put the shopping away and mark it off the shopping list as received...

Things on my to do list today:

  1. Put the food away
  2. Cook my homemade pasta sauce in the slow cooker for spaghetti bolognaise tonight
  3. Rest
That will have to do for today as I am having trouble keeping awake. What I wouldn't give for a good sleep!