Saturday 6 June 2020

Better days ahead!

We are still self isolating. Chris's sugars are slowly improving, as are his ears. I am planning on decluttering our home today as the home help lady is coming Wednesday to do our floors. I am looking forward to that. 

I ordered groceries online last night and they are going to be delivered this afternoon. Chris is the type of guy who could live on meat and two veg- as long as one of them is mashed potato! So that diet is great for his diabetes control. It is easy to do and I have a happy man! 

I ordered lots of frozen veg in packets that you steam in the microwave... and they do potato mash in white and sweet potato.  I usually make a gravy to pour over the vegetables.

With still feeling exhausted with my fibromyalgia flare, I am very appreciative of convenience foods that are still healthy. 

Anyway, with the sugars improving and Chris not so dizzy, I can not only see a light at the end of the tunnel, but I can see better days ahead!


  1. Keeping you in my daily prayers as always, Glenys. Do hang in there. Still love your posts and images! ~Gwen in Arkansas
    *There are far far better things ahead than any we leave behind . . . ~ C. S. Lewis

  2. Thanks so much Gwen! I appreciate your prayers and that you take the time to comment. Be blessed, Glenys
