Sunday 6 December 2020

Fibro is the pits!

Some Christmas presents have come early thanks to family who are impatient for Christmas and so today Chris hung my hanging baskets and kookaburra wall ornament up for me.

We have been getting kookaburras by the bus load in our back garden and when I saw this ceramic one, I wanted him for my front porch.

This has given the house more kerbside appeal, and I think the kookaburra is very handsome.

I am psyching myself up to go pick up my grocery order I placed online. It's one of those days where fibromyalgia has reared its ugly head in the form of excruciating muscle pain in my arms and neck.

We will be having a frozen dinner tonight as we had a big lunch. To be honest, I just want to go to bed but that can't happen until after the grocery pick up.

The rain is bucketing down which perhaps accounts for the extra muscle pain. The weather always effects my fibromyalgia....

Better get on with it and rest up afterwards. Fibro is the pits! 


  1. A kookaburra...I would love to see one. Just one! But they do not migrate to East Texas, USA! I have other delightful birds migrating, though! I understand your pain through Fibromyalgia. I also have it. We do what we can when we can and sometimes overdo and then rest! May you week be blessed.

    1. I am so sorry you suffer from fibromyalgia as well- but I am glad to meet you as it makes me feel less lonely. You have simply got to hear a kookaburra laughing. They are quite loud... I will post a link here to hear one... There you go. Pity he's in captivity though. They need to be free...
