So yesterday we went to see our daughter after lockdowns were lifted. The weather was beautiful and we bought some fish and chips for lunch and we ate them in the car overlooking some water. It was lovely!
We haven't been out socially for about 4 months, and it was a real novelty to keep on driving with no restrictions. We had a lovely cup of tea with our daughter and caught up.
Driving home, we took the long scenic route. It made us feel glad to be alive. Last night, I slept like a baby but unfortunately woke up in top of the range pain. It's going to rain.
Fibromyalgia is such a wicked ruler. It can come and bite you on the heel, just after you've had a lovely and special time. Maybe it was sitting so long yesterday, maybe because of the changing weather. I don't know. All I know is I have another fibro flare.
Sitting here typing and in pain, I have come to realise that in spite of knowing that fibromyalgia will rear its' ugly head the next day, it's important to keep living.
The only alternative for me is to stay home permanently and wrap myself in cotton wool but be miserable doing it. I don't want that to happen.
So I will put up with rebound flares after using all my spoons if it means that I have a life other than that of an invalid. I am more than that. I want to have episodes of pleasure in my life no matter how brief.
I need to make memories and keep in contact with my family. I will overcome it, even if fibromyalgia is a wicked ruler.
Things on my to do list are just basics today. Dishes, cooking and resting.
I understand. Thank you xxx