Well, today I woke up with some spoons! As I sit here talking to you, I have a list of things I want to achieve. But I have to treat spoons with respect, or they will be my undoing.
Having spoons is so novel and rare, that I find instead of rejoicing, I am afraid. "Why would you be afraid of having some spoons?!" you ask. Good question.
Feeling energy or having spoons is so unusual and longed for, but it's fraught with dangers for the unwary. Dangers of overdoing and ending up with no spoons not only for tomorrow, but a few days after.
Spoons have the ability to dictate your life: you must treat them with respect. The desire to run with them is sometimes overwhelming. The urge to clean, shop or socialise is great. It can consume you.
And spoons will consume you, if not treated with respect. By respect I mean, circumspect and planned activity. For if given into, the spoons will not only be evaporate quickly, but so will your joy, optimism and future few days.
Like a lion tamer, appreciate the power behind these beasts, and hold them back with whip and chair if necessary. They will then serve you well, if allowed some calculated leeway as you pace yourself in small bursts.
Remembering to pace oneself is so critical to enjoying those spoons. And surely, spoons or extra energy should be an occasion to rejoice, but given that they have the power to rule you , for the unwary, they can be devious little dictators