Sunday, 6 December 2020
Fibro is the pits!
Monday, 30 November 2020
A restful reward
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Country life is sweet
Saturday, 21 November 2020
Planning to live
So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90:12
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Smelling the roses!
The last few weeks have been full of drama and it has seen my body collapsing with the mother of all fibromyalgia flares and a (non Covid) viral infection. Most things have been resolved and I have my peace back again.
I have taken back control of my house in which I had fallen down during my illness, and I have had help from a cleaner from my aged care package.
A lot of our Corona limits have been lifted and I have been able to see my family. That has helped. More things will be lifted next Sunday and it looks hopeful that we will be able to see family at Christmas.
Chris is recovering well from his surgery and no longer needs special dressing of his wound. In fact, a bandaid suffices now. I am so cheered that he is well. I hate it when he is unwell.
The days are getting hotter with tomorrow set to be 33deg C but I am not concerned since we aren't going outside and we have air conditioners now.
We saw the doctor today for routine blood results and my blood pressure check as it was high last week. With giving my situation to the LORD and regaining my peace, it was 134/80 and the doctor was very pleased.
We have found a couple of Christian networks to watch wholesome movies and they have been very uplifting. One is New Faith Network for which I pay about $8AUD a month and the other is free for 14 days then $8AUD a month- from Australia.
Chris and I sit of an evening and watch TV together and it all helps to bring stress levels down as well as blood pressure.
We are enjoying our back garden with a return of the prolific bird life that is so colourful. They have returned from their migration north to beat the winter and they are a joy to watch as they come down for the seed and food we leave for them.
Life can be so difficult, but can also be so wonderful: a great deal of the wonder of it all is to take time in smelling the roses!
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Life's looking up!
I am a very happy girl today. Our landlords have just put a reverse cycle air conditioner in our bedroom. It is just in time for the summer which officially starts on the 1st December.
It is very difficult to sleep in the front room in summer as it becomes a sauna. With fibromyalgia and a hole in the heart which stops oxygenation of the right lung, the heat just literally takes my breath away.
With a few hot days under our belt already, the timing has been perfect.
I am very happy that we will be able to sleep even during the hottest night. The air blowing on our faces makes it easier to take a deep breath and even on cooler nights, you will find me with a small fan to get that air.
With restrictions being lifted that will allow us to travel this Christmas, I can say that life's looking up!
Monday, 2 November 2020
Making holiday plans
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Spoons aren't transferable
So this morning I needed a shower as I have an important appointment later on in the day. With lockdown and being home most of the time, I have been fairly relaxed about it, but not today.
I did our bloods, gave Chris his insulin injection, ate breakfast and ran the shower. It was heaven on my aching muscles and I let the water run on my sore neck and back. I washed my hair and body and then started to feel weak.
Out of spoons, I sat on the side of the bath trying to catch my breath and get my second wind. It didn't come.
By the time I had finally got dried and dressed, I was literally shaking and sick with fatigue.
Looking at the clock, I realised that in a few hours I will be leaving the house and walking around. Which normals think as normal, but us sufferers of fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses know, we have to balance everything in the spoon equation. Once spent, they're gone!
Sitting down to rest and trying to garner some spoons of energy, I realised once again that I simply cannot shower on days I have to go out to an appointment that simply cannot be postponed.
You would think after 20 years of fibro that I would have learned that spoons aren't transferable.
Thursday, 22 October 2020
The only perk of growing old.
Monday, 19 October 2020
I haven't bothered to do it.
In Melbourne where we live, it is possible to experience all seasons in one day and the joke of the day is to wear a bikini under your raincoat. It plays havoc with Fibromites.
We Fibromites know that inclement or changing weather patterns causes a fibromyalgia flare and for me it has run true to form.
I have been unable to think clearly let alone blog, and the depression that has enveloped me in its' dreariness has made it impossible to rise above the constant background of muscle pain.
By the time I have made our bed and tidied our home in preparation for the nurse from Hospital in the Home to come to change Chris's post op dressing, I am in so much pain that I just want to crawl back into that newly made bed. Sometimes I do.
Still on lockdown with Covid 19, we only go to the chemist or face to face doctors appointments when a phone consultation isn't suitable. And the way I have been feeling, it is more than enough.
It is not uncommon for us to prepare ourselves for a few hours out of the home as if we were planning a vacation. When I say "prepare ourselves" I mean emotionally.
We have to give ourselves a pep talk and conjure up motivation and spoons to leave home. Physically, there's not much to do.
We may or may not shower, depending on how recently we have had one. We get dressed and we rest. Avid clock watchers, we usually leave our departure until the absolute last minute, so loathe are we to venture outside these days. By the time we are no longer in lockdown, I think I will be preferring to stay home.
Close to the hour to depart, I will usually check my hair has been combed and on a really, really good day, I will pull all stops out and put on some lipstick. With mandatory masks, no one is even going to see that these days, so lately I haven't bothered to do it.