Wednesday 8 July 2020

One size fits all.

So it's school holidays and we have been blessed to have our little granddaughter, Taylah stay with us for a few days. With Corona we haven't seen her for ages...

She was feeling the cold this morning and asked if she could try my Oodie on. It was comical to see how big it was on her. For crying out loud- it's big on me, and I am not a light weight!

What made us laugh was that it's advertised as one size fits all- if you can call fits where it touches, " fitting". It made me think of the lies salespeople used to tell us back in the day when we actually got served.

Today we are hoping to go feed the ducks who live in the field near our stream- hoping because of lack of spoons for nana: my fibromyalgia is reacting to the cold and protesting that I baked with Taylah and had some fun yesterday.

But as I said to one of my reader friends, I want to live my life, not merely endure it. So I have had to do what I can to make happy memories with my granddaughter and pay the price in pain after.

Fibromyalgia is a balancing act that demands choices daily. Choices based on available spoons. And if the spoons aren't there to be used, it demands a rethink of every action for the rest of the day. It's a harsh master.

So, God willing, I will have enough spoons to help Tay cook a simple meal for dinner tonight, and to bake a no knead bread loaf for lunch.

But one other thing I have noticed with fibromyalgia is that it is different for each of us. Five spoons does not go as far for one fibromite as for another. To say that all spoons are equal is as bad as being told like with my Oodie, that one size fits all...


  1. Good point. I've noticed that there aren't many things in life--clothing or otherwise--that is truly "one size fits all."

  2. Thanks for sharing a cuppa with me today, Michele!

  3. I'm so glad you are getting a chance to have some time with your Granddaughter. It is true that not many things really are 'one size fits all'! I'm glad you are taking joy in the every day, despite the challenges you face. Take care, and thank you for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Community, Glenys.

  4. Thanks for sharing a cuppa with today, April!
