Monday, 23 December 2024

Christmas is for you!

Merry Christmas to all... may you accept the greatest Gift- the gift of salvation through Jesus' Blood shed for you for your pardon.

Coming as a Babe, He will return as the Victorious King... be ready. Get saved. Today is the day to receive the greatest Gift- eternal life...

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:  John 1:25

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7

Friday, 20 December 2024

This is hygge to us!


Today my granddaughter came and put up a bible text that spoke to us.

When we were renewing our vows 7 years ago, we thought of this verse as our wedding verse as including Jesus into our marriage was important to us. The meaning of this verse is not lost on us and we know that with our threefold cord, we won't easily be broken.

Our wedding 26 years ago was in the Registry Office Melbourne and although we intended to include Jesus in our vows, we found that we weren't given the opportunity to include Him in prayer.

So at our son's wedding we slipped out of the reception room and renewed our vows in front of the Salvation Army Officers who married him. And lo and behold, after that, the chaplain mentioned this verse which was confirmation that we had heard from the LORD that this was a good thing.

Anyway, back to today... my granddaughter used her Cricut and printed these for us and put them up today. 

We both love her work and the scripture that spoke to us. Seeing it on the wall is hygge to us.  

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12

Friday, 13 December 2024

Better days are coming!


So yesterday my occupational therapist and her colleague came to give me a trial run of my new motorised scooter, similar to the one pictured here.

It has all terrain wheels and an hour's worth of charge, plenty for me to go visit my sister who lives nearby.

It is part of my Aged Care package and will make my life so much better since I can no longer drive.

This scooter requires no knee action which is great for me as that was the reason I can no longer drive.

Also my bath lift seat is coming in a few days and I am looking forward to that as well. I have bought some Magnesium bath flakes to soak myself in. I am hoping it will lessen my fibromyalgia muscle pain...

As far as hygiene and travelling independence goes, I can say that better days are coming! 

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

I can hardly wait! Again!


Do you remember reading that I was disappointed because the bath lift chair I bought could not fit under the bath tap? I had to sell it..

Well today my Occupational Therapist from my Aged Care Package came for a visit to our new home and brought the mobility gentleman with her. He had a lift chair with him and we did a dry run... and it went very well.

The bathroom tap did not get caught in my leg and I was able to lower the seat right to the bottom of  the bath. One has been ordered for me and I am very happy.

I am also happy because I have been told that I can get a mobility scooter in the near future which is cause for celebration... very happy to be getting one, but more excited about the bath lift...

As I said a couple of years ago, I can hardly wait

Friday, 29 November 2024

We give You thanks


"We Give You Thanks"

Lord, as we gather at this table
May we be truly grateful
For the bounty You have given us.
We thank you for the earth and rain,
The good harvest and the wholesome grain
That went into our daily bread
And kept the stock that kept us fed.
Thank you for the hands that cooked and baked,
And for the water that our thirst slaked.
Please accept our thanks as we honour You
For Your goodness in giving us this food.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of [our] lips giving thanks to his name. Hebrews 13:15

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Rome wasn't built in a day!


As you probably know, we have recently moved again. It is almost complete with just a few boxes to unpack.

We are so very tired and I have exacerbated fibromyalgia and angina pain.

We love this new house and is still quite large like the one we have just left. But honestly, I really hope we dont have to move again because I feel quite done in.

Most things now have found a new home, but as soon as I recover from the move, I will declutter and organise our things better.

So I am finding myself falling asleep at the computer or feeling really razzed, and I have had to have a nana nap during the day or I won't have enough spoons to cook dinner...

And speaking of dinner, I have been making use of my slow cooker to help me when I haven't got any spoons. It has helped take the pressure off me.

Lately having no spoons is my new normal so I have had to rest and pace myself. 

Something this move has taught me is to be patient. I have had to learn to wait until others are able to help me and my new mantra is "Rome wasn't built in a day!"

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Part of your tribe

Sadly, I walk the lonely path of mental illness and chronic illness and it can be a lonely path.

However, I have been blessed with a caring and gentle husband who stays beside me and who has my back. It is such a comfort to know that his love isn't conditional on how fast I spin my wheel.

If you have someone like that in your life, consider yourself blessed. In this cold and crazy old world, it's hard to find a good heart.

Thank God for people who support us in our illness or disability- they truly are God given. Cherish them. They are kindred spirits and part of your tribe...

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Memories of a vintage housekeeper


My mother was a good homemaker. Some of my earliest memories were of her hanging out washing on her long line held up by props.  She used to boil up the copper and honestly, she had the whitest washing ever.  She used Rinso to wash the clothes and Lux Flakes for delicates.

When I was really young, we didn't have hot water on tap, so Mum would boil up the kettle, fill the sink- a single sink- and she used a metal cage thing- pictured here with slivers of Velvet soap in it to soap up the water. Steel wool was the go for saucepans and the plates were washed with a foam rubber sponge.

Whilst she was washing the dishes, she would have the kettle on again to rinse them. Then we children would dry them for her. We had metered gas by way of a machine with a coin slot in it in the laundry. When the gas got low, Mum would put sixpence or a shilling in it...

We all bathed daily and our hot water was heated by way of a chip heater over the bath. I can still remember fighting over who was the child who was to be seated under it. It was scary to a kid's mind. In fact, I sometimes still dream of it- making sure the water tap was on before lighting the pilot light.

Pride of place in our living room was the clothes horse aka clothes airer. Mum was very careful to air all our clothes and she spent quite a lot of time arranging clothes on it daily.

Mum had it tough too because we four children were bed wetters. She worked very hard to keep up with it all. 

With all her neighbours finishing their chores by 9am, poor Mum was still washing the sheets. In fact, when they called on her for a cuppa, she would be flustered because she was inundated with work.

Mondays Mum "did through".  She vacuumed, dusted, cleaned the bath and toilet and ironed. She also polished the linoleum in the kitchen with her Hoover polisher. It was quite a chore, with applying polish, buffing it with the machine then redoing it with the lambswool pads.  Her Monday routine was as regular as the sun coming up in the morning. 

Everyday, she would also make the beds, do her washing, think about what was for tea that night, clean her kitchen and sweep the carpets with a carpet sweeper. Routines were written in stone.

Mum didn't have a car, in fact Dad didn't even have one. She would catch the bus into town and shop for groceries which were delivered to our house. No plastic bags: the bags were brown paper...

I remembered how hard she worked the day I held her gnarled hand as she passed. She certainly loved her home and family... 

I am so glad that God honours the hardworking woman. In writing her eulogy, I included that well-known and loved verse from Proverbs 31 and when it was read, everyone of us nodded our heads in agreement and acknowledgement. She was blessed. 

Memories of a well kept house we were never ashamed to call home will always be dear, along with the memories of a tired but diligent homemaker and her wonderful serving of our family, and then her  second husband's. 

Yes, they're happy memories of a vintage housekeeper

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

First we have coffee!


As you probably know, my twin sister is ill and has been living with us for the last five months.

She has now moved into her own new rented home and my son, her carer has moved in with her. She's in need of a carer.

Helping her has left both Chris and I spoonless and that condition is not going to improve any time soon. We have now found a new rented home two minutes away from them and the move is happening in a few weeks.

Although we feel the effort will be worth it, finding the spoons to move is a hit or miss thing. I must force myself to keep going.

I am suffering from an expected fibromyalgia flare, my knees are hurting and I cannot move my neck thanks to polymyalgia rheumatica. 

I am happy to be moving but not so good with the pain. But I pace myself taking frequent breaks and drinking endless cups of tea.

My kettle is constantly boiling for a cuppa and it is the first thing I do each day. I join millions of others in enjoying to lifting qualities of coffee or tea to start each day.

Like I read in a book, "First we have coffee!", it has proven to be true for me, only my lifting beverage is tea!