Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Spoons glorious spoons!

So the last few days I have been feeling a bit better and so with the new spoons, things got done. In particular, I have been spending quite a bit of time in the kitchen.

Yesterday I cooked zucchini spaghetti, ultilising my spiraliser. I really enjoy it. Today I made Jewish Penicillin and baked a madeira cake. Having a decent mixer makes the work much easier! 

We will have the soup and cake for dinner.

I have washed and dried three loads of washing today but because I need to pace myself so I don't relapse with another fibromyalgia flare, I am leaving that to do tomorrow. It won't kill us to live out of the laundry basket for a day!

So today, I am glad that I could put to use those glorious spoons!

Monday, 18 May 2020

Hopping right along

So I was just about to go to bed last night when I heard a horrified scream. I checked to see  if I had left the TV on. No TV. 

Xena was already in bed with her Daddy, and I couldn't see anything. Then it was repeated. I froze. Turning in the direction of the shriek, I noticed a little frog clinging to the outside of the back door.

Opening it a tad, I noticed a cat dash over the fence of the house next door. Obviously, the poor little frog had been trapped by it and was shrieking in fear.

By the time I had turned the light on and opened the door wider, it had gone.

You never know what goes on when you live in the country, especially at night. I am glad the frog escaped.

The last few days have been busier than normal. I have been working in our home catching up on things I haven't done when I had the bad fibro flare recently. With accompanying costochondritis.

I am taking care to pace myself so as not to flare up again. Of course, I am working with what spoons I have for the day. 

I have some washing to fold and put away. My dishes are all caught up and my kitchen is clean. I want to keep up the momentum- so like the little frog, I will be hopping right along. 

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Kissing my phone screen!

Today I have woken up with a little less pain from my fibromyalgia and costochrondia than what I have had the last few weeks. I have a distinct lack of spoons, but I will take less pain over spoons any day!

I have dishes to catch up on and washing and cleaning to do, but I am letting it go one more day. Today the Victorian Government has lifted the lockdown a bit and allowed us to go see family,  as long as there are no more than 5 people at the one time.

So we are getting ready to go to see my youngest child, Dianne who I wrote about in my other blog yesterday.  She lives an hour's drive from us. No doubt I will fall asleep en route to her place. That's totally normal for me and Chris is used to seeing me nearly being garrotted with the seatbelt on long drives...

Schools in Victoria are gradually returning in a few weeks. I never thought I would say this, but I miss the mums taking their children to school and even the school buses! 

Life  is gradually returning to some semblance of normal and I am very happy about it. Online classes and visits with family are OK, but nothing compared to face to face! 

Mind you, we are still going to be careful. Lots of hand washing still and today, lots of theatrical kisses without actually kissing. A big Mwah each side of the cheeks at a respectful distance will have to suffice. But hey, it's better than kissing my phone screen on FaceTime! 

Monday, 11 May 2020

Light at the end of the tunnel

The Victorian Government has lifted some of the Corona Virus restrictions for us. Although Chris and I will be taking it slower than the recommendations, we are glad that there will be a little more freedom for everyone.

My fibromyalgia is badly effected by the stormy conditions we have had in the last few days, and I have not blogged because frankly I have done nothing here at home.

It is so hard to function when you wake up with no spoons. Today, I have managed to get dressed. Not bathed or showered- just dressed.

I will be cooking chicken chow mein for dinner and that's it!

I have experienced a new thing with my fibro: my tendons in my arms feel like they are tearing when I extend my arms. Truly excruciating! Plus I have pain in my sternum which is mimicking heart pain. I find no relief taking my Anginine tablets so I think it is the fibromyalgia.

I hate fibro with a passion: it is as debilitating as the Scheurmann's Disease back pain I endured before it finally fizzled out and my vertebrae recalcified or whatever they do to heal. Ten years in the making, whatever it was. With only a slight curveture and a foot that points inwards.

So, fibromyalia seems to be set to stay as my thorn in the side. But I won't let it snatch my joy away in knowing the virus seems to be controlled. At least with that there's light at the end of the tunnel. 

Friday, 8 May 2020

Old, fat but wiser

So I got on the scales today and now I wish I hadn't. It flashed "One at a time, please!" just prior to giving me a heart attack.

I am at my heaviest ever this morning. It's like everything is conspiring to make and keep me fat. Every single medication has a warning on it about effecting concentration but none say they will make you fat- but they do.

So with so much going on with Rona, my physical limitations and all the medicines I need to take daily, I haven't got much hope of losing any weight.

I am making wiser food choices and upped my water intake, but that's about it for me. No way am I ever going to take appetite suppressants. 

About 30 years ago I lost 84lbs. I was on Duromine tablets and they made me extremely tense and testy. I remember slamming the fridge door so hard the bottles inside clinked together violently.

I thought who needs this? So I stopped them and gradually gained back the weight. Topped off with my reading this morning, it was a shock to my system.

Anyway, I am nearly seventy now, so that makes me old as well as fat. But I do believe as well as that, that I am wiser. 

I am finally going to accept that I am probably too old and sick to safely lose the 100+ pounds that I need to lose in order to look great on a BMI Chart.  

Apart from a few steps like upping my water and reducing my plates of food, I have a brilliant plan...

I understand Miller's and Best and Less are selling clothes up to size 26... it will be nice to feel a loose waisted skirt again and I have Afterpay to help.

See, I am old and fat, but definitely wiser. 

My list of to do's are:
  1. Fold and put away today's load of laundry
  2. Cook potatoes, pumpkin, onion and peas to serve with the left over lamb from last night.
  3. Check out the plus size clothes online
  4. Finally chuck out those lying, treacherous scales.... :)

Thursday, 7 May 2020

I aint no cry baby!

So a few days ago it was my birthday. The day started well with Chris giving me breakfast in bed. During the day I facetimed with my family. 

We usually go out for a meal on each other's birthday, but of course with Rona, we had a change of plans. So Chris took me to KFC drivethrough for dinner. We ordered our meal and then ate it in the carpark of Safeway, under the romantic light of the trolley bay!

The rain was belting down and we sat there reminiscing about earlier days and how different things are now.

But we never let Rona spoil our moment. At nearly 70, life teaches you many things. One thing appropriate for now is that you gotta bend or you will break..... 

Seems like at my stage of life and health, bending to difficult circumstances is the only bending I can do.... and laugh. Yes, you gotta laugh. Or else you cry. And I aint no cry baby!

Things on my to do list:

  1. Fold and put away washing
  2. Do a roast lamb in the air fryer for dinner
  3. Clean my kitchen

Sunday, 3 May 2020

On a wing and a prayer

I have not been that well lately. The rain and cold has exacerbated my fibromyalgia and my spinal problems have come back to make sitting difficult.

To be honest, at the moment, there's not much I can do that doesn't cause pain somewhere. My whole body hurts.

I have dishes to do and I plan to make a quiche and salad for dinner tonight. That's all.  I will be turning my electric blanket back on soon and retreating to bed.

Even staying up long enough to do these few things is only going to happen with prayer. I am like a war plane struck down and trying to coast to clear land. On a wing and a prayer!

Saturday, 2 May 2020

We need an Ark!

The last few days here have brought heavy rains and our little stream at the back of our garden has overflowed and flooded.

Our trickling stream is a gushing torrent of water which the ducks have taken delight in as they plop into the water and get carried downstream rapidly. There's more rain forecast for the next few days.

As well as rain, the temperature has dropped to only 8C or 46.4F  Our heater has been on almost  24/7 as I feel the cold badly. Being on blood thinners, I literally have water for blood.

My fibromyalgia is flaring and I have spent most of the afternoon in bed. With my electric blanket on high.

Productivity today was low: I cooked lamb steaks and vegetables for dinner with an apple crumble dessert. 

Xena has refused to budge off the couch today because the heater is in the wall and blows warmth directly on her. 

Her trips outside are strictly to do her business, and she's back in. To be honest, I think all the rushing water is spooking her a bit.

I don't blame her at all and am glad we live on a hill with the back of the property sloping downwards in case of flooding.  It's not even winter officially till next month and already it looks like we need an Ark! 

Friday, 1 May 2020

Bed: my control centre!

Over the last 50 odd years, health issues have seen me having to take to my bed. It wasn't easy when I had 4 children under 5 years when glandular fever strikes and wouldn't go away. 

Likewise with schuermann's disease ravishing my vertebrae and spending weeks at a time in traction in hospital, I have learned to control my home from my bed.

With my back or heart problems requiring days of rest and my never-ending fibromyalgia flares, I still have to take to my bed at times. And apart from having a few nana naps, I have many hours to fill in. 

It is definitely possible for us chronically ill women to keep our households in order from our bed. Being ill or disabled does not preclude us from serving God or our families. 

With a bit of planning, we can be like that Proverbs 31 WomanGod loves us regardless of how fast we spin our wheel. 

So today with the heavy rain we have been having last night and today, my fibromyalgia is beckoning me to my bed. There I will take my laptop and organise my finances, work out my week's meals and listen to scripture and worship music.  I will also pray. Blanket prayers, I call it.  And yes, I will be sleeping a little.

I have done a load of washing and it's in the dryer. I will be folding that up and putting it away sometime this afternoon when I get up. God willing: and spoons, of course! 

The dishes are soaking in hot soapy water and can wait. I will do them whilst I am cooking lamb chops, mashed potato and green veggies for dinner.

Not a lot will be done today except some resting up and controlling my household from my control centre: my bed.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Flat out like a lizard drinking

Our little white cat, Xena has found the perfect spot for a daytime sleep. We have her little bed in front of the back sliding door and she loves sleeping in it. The sun comes round after 11am and shines right in on her. Until it gets too hot, she sleeps happily in it.

We have been enjoying the autumn or fall afternoon sunshine as well as the days are cold but the sun coming through our door is delightful. Plus, it gives me Vitamin D which I am low on.

I am taking my afternoon nana naps on the couch now. With the door open a crack, we can hear the stream running behind the property, and of course the birds are chirping. It's hard to keep awake with the heat and birdsong. So I give into it.

Later on today I am going to purchase some magnesium tablets in an attempt to relieve myself of the muscle pains and calf cramps. I think maybe it's not just my fibromyalgia so I think it won't hurt to give the magnesium tablets a go.  My last blood test did say I was low in it. I am just so over being in pain.

I think more than being in pain all the time,  my sometimes being snappy with Chris hurts me more. I am so very glad he says he understands and doesn't hold it against me.

On my to list today is to do the tea dishes- (yes I left them last night) and to do some rissoles with mashed potato and veggies for tea.

Apart from that you will find me on the couch taking in the sunshine, flat out like a lizard drinking!