Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts

Thursday 27 February 2020

Done and dusted

So as you know, I spent nearly all of yesterday in bed, recovering from a fibromyalgia flare. When I crawled back to bed last night, I fell asleep dreaming of waking with spoons and planning what I would do in the morning.

When I woke up this morning, I felt just like this picture portrays: today is going to be more of the same.

So on today's to do list is:

  1. Rest and medication
  2. Prepare a salad to go with tonight's frozen lasagna
I know if I don't rest up that this flare will drag on. My home needs some attention, but I can hardly lift my head.  I want this flare to be like my house: done and dusted.

Thursday 20 February 2020

You can't have one without the other!

Having to pace myself yesterday, I woke with some spoons which was just as well as we had to take our daughter to the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne. She is a survivor of APML leukaemia and she needed her six monthly blood tests in preparation for her visit with her haematologist next month.

As we had to be in Melbourne early, we had an early start from home. We virtually just had breakfast, dressed and ran out the door. So no lists or housework plans were made. That will have to be tomorrow.

The trip was 400kms all told and it was very tiring. For all of us. We all had a nana nap when we got home.  We got some fish and chips on the way home as we just wanted to eat and crash.

In this picture of the Alfred, you can see the room I was in when I had my 3 stents put in in 2007. It's the third level, last window on the right. Chris and I would watch the helicopters come in on the heliport just in front of the hospital. It is built over the road and leads directly to the Trauma Centre.

So, housework wise, it was a dud of a day, but we were able to help our daughter with her cancer journey, fulfilling our promise to her the day she was diagnosed. 

In chronic illness you sometimes have to push yourself to live the life you want. It isn't easy: in fact it takes a lot of determination and prayer.  Lots of both. I don't think you can have one without the other!

Thursday 6 February 2020

Cat fur and tickling whiskers!

The sun is sinking under the nearby hills, leaving pink streaks in the sky. I have drawn the drapes and lit the lamps. 

My dishes from dinner are drying in the drainer. Xena has been fed and is indoors sitting with her Dad, Chris. 

The weather is slightly cool and we have put our fire on low which gives a cosy effect. I love my home, my husband and my cat... and of course, my God. 

Not only has He  blessed us with a lovely home to live in, but He graciously gave me a few surprise spoons (energy) this afternoon.  I managed to do what was on my list, plus I finished off putting all my clean washing away.

We live a simple life, but it is one of contentment and joy. I am believing for a good sleep tonight. I have already taken my medications and I can retire any time after an hour. I must remain upright and awake for an hour after taking them or my sleep is fitful and sore. I know that if I lay down soon after taking them that I can either have GERD or aspirate some acid and develop pneumonia. I have had pneumonia three times. I don't know why my sleep is fitful and my muscles sore if I don't wait an hour, but I am sick of trying to work it out: It is what it is.

Soon I will join Chris in the lounge room and no doubt Xena will jump up onto my lap for a cuddle and cat nap. As soon as she hears me say I am going to B.E.D. she springs off my lap and nearly trips me up to get there before me.  I have to spell B.E.D. because she knows the word- yes she does. She's a smart girlie! 

As I lay thanking God for the good in each day before I sleep, I can be sure of one thing: my little feline mate will be under the covers, pressed up against my back. She is always purring at night and I have no doubt that she too is grateful for the ending day. And for a Mum who overlooks cat fur and her tickling cat whiskers! 

What I wouldn't give for a good sleep

Last night was a fizzer regarding sleeping. No matter how I positioned myself, sleep eluded me most of the night. I have woken up this morning so sore and tired that I don't know what to do with myself.

From twenty odd years of suffering from fibromyalgia, I know that today is going to be a wipe out. So I will be pacing myself and only doing the bare minimum of chores.

Yesterday I felt like this, but we had waited a week to see a new doctor and we had to go see him. He was good and seems to know his stuff. We have a few baseline blood tests to get done before we see him again next week.

We are into cooler weather with a top of 28C predicted. I have washed two loads of clothes and am too tired to hang it out. Sometimes you have to compromise when you have chronic illness. Sometimes you win, most time it does! 

I shopped online for groceries yesterday: the Woolworths delivery man is due soon... I am saving my few spoons to put the shopping away and mark it off the shopping list as received...

Things on my to do list today:

  1. Put the food away
  2. Cook my homemade pasta sauce in the slow cooker for spaghetti bolognaise tonight
  3. Rest
That will have to do for today as I am having trouble keeping awake. What I wouldn't give for a good sleep!