Showing posts with label dishes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dishes. Show all posts

Saturday 22 May 2021

Our winter wonderland

Yesterday my step-son and his wife came and detailed the fifth wheeler and tow vehicle. Today they are coming to take pictures and we are going to advertise it on RV magazines. Prayers that it sell quickly. 

We must get a newer car as ours is on its last gasp and is not fixable. Being in the country with our nearest supermarket and chemist a half hours' drive away, a car is essential. 

It's Saturday morning here and I only have some dishes to wash and cooking for dinner to do. Which is great as I am nearly out of spoons already. Once again, my fibromyalgia is  taking my body hostage. Just after I thought my flare was over.

I woke up at 5am feeling cold so I had to boot up the electric blanket again. Chris did the same with his. We woke up to a winter wonderland. Even the bird bath was frozen solid. 1deg C which is cold for us Aussies. We are still in autumn and winter officially starts 1 June, but it is just preparing us for a cold wet one I think.

Tuesday 11 May 2021

I can't keep doing this to myself!

When I have a bad flare of fibromyalgia and/or polymyalgia rheumatica, I feel so sore and tired that I often let the dishes build up.

We all know that when you put one cup or bowl in the sink, they suddenly start multiplying and pretty soon you have a stack to tackle in washing up.

With Chris quite ill at the moment, I am loathe to ask him to help me so this problem is absolutely on my shoulders alone.

Last week the lady who comes to clean our house once a fortnight, washed and put away my dishes and it was so nice to see an empty sink and find a clean cup without a search party and ensuing  mammoth cleaning marathon.

I was so impressed that I have kept it up, washing up as we use the crockery. In fact, the first day after she helped me, we got up and thought we were in the wrong house! There was a clean sink and kitchen.

It's taken me 52 years of being a home maker to finally realise that by procrastination- I mean of the long duration type, not once in a blue moon- is a killer not only of productivity but peace.

It's been a week now since I have turned over a new leaf and I have found that it is less draining on my energy levels and is achievable.

I know it's only been a week, but for a chronically ill old chook with longstanding procrastination habits, it's a long time.

It probably sounds pathetic to all the "normals" who say, "Well it's only washing the dishes!", but to a spoon challenged tired sick sufferer of continual pain, it's a big deal!

Another plus is that with the kitchen clean, my spirits have been uplifted and I am far more likely to grab the pile of clean washing and fold it. It sort of has a domino effect! 

Whatever, I feel better for the discipline and look forward to waking up to a clean kitchen now. Besides, with the realisation that housework is spiritual, I find I function best in a tidy house and will make every effort to keep it up and not have a mammoth dishwashing session. I can't keep doing this to myself!