Tuesday, 27 June 2023

We are so grateful!


We are so happy to be celebrating our silver anniversary today.

It's been the best 25 years of our life and we are very grateful that the LORD arranged our chance meeting with a very happy ending..

Friday, 23 June 2023

I need him awake and aware


I was a bath a day girl all my life. It just was so nice to soak and think of pleasant things as the warm water soaked away the aches and pains of the day. This was great until my knees packed up and I couldn't get out of the bath.

So obviously the next thing to do was to become a shower girl, and that worked for a while until fibromyalgia took over my life and sucked my spoons dry. I simply had no energy after a shower but that wasn't the worst of it.

No, the worst of taking a shower for me has now included panic attacks whilst in the cubicle. I am so unsure of my knees being able to hold me up that I hyperventilate. Not good when you have limited oxygen in the first place thanks to a hole in the heart and asthma.

I have tried all the hacks for taking a shower safely and peacefully: I have a shower seat, I turn the exhaust fan on so that the steam isn't too bad, I do not have the water too hot. But it doesn't really help much. 

Once the adrenaline takes over and my breath is cut short, the angina kicks in and my heart pounds like a sledge hammer. So I try to not have water running over my face as this sets the panic mode off.

I have managed to shampoo my hair with my back and face away from the stream of water and I have a very quick wash routine so to ensure my ordeal has been successful as well as quick.

In the old days, Chris used to help me shower, but alas, with his heart failure and chronic fatigue, he has enough trouble showering himself and I don't want him exerting himself on my account.

I have got a shower down to a reasonable time and I can be in and out in 10 minutes- out as in dry, powdered and in my PJ's. All I have to do is dry and brush my hair.

Because my spoons fail me really quickly, I brush my teeth before the shower and have my ablutions at night. I can just stagger to bed if need be. And sometimes it is needed- a shower in the daytime can knock the wind out of my sails for the entire day at times.

I admit it galls me that all my little pleasures like bathing and showering make me feel like I have run a a marathon, but it is what it is. What was a routine like breathing every day is now planned with precision around Chris's sleeping pattern. I need him awake and aware in case I fall. 

Sunday, 18 June 2023

The only positive thing for spoonies


I was talking to my daughter this morning. She also has fibromyalgia. She asked me what plans I had for today and I told her I was planning to take a shower.

We laughed at how ridiculous that sounded and then we realised that once again, it's all about spoons and being organised.

Given the nature of fibromyalgia, one can never plan anything until we wake up each day, and then it is entirely dependent on pain and energy issues. 

We can never be spontaneous, but have to weigh up the need or desire to do something against the reality- having enough spoons to see us through the day.

If one thinks there just may be enough spoons to go somewhere or do something, we then go in to planning mode. We may cook dinner in the slow cooker instead of preparing something at the end of the day.

Perhaps we will go to a doctors' appointment and must organise our day with the idea that dinner is taken care of via the slow cooker and the bed will be inviting and will be calling us as soon as we get home.

We become experts at planning our lives as we go, and despite fibro brain fog, we usually can think on our feet as to what would be possible on any given day. Today I am making a slow cooker stew for dinner and saving my spoons for that shower. 

I really hate being ill, and I can't think of any positives about fibromyalgia and other trials we spoonie friends have to endure. But the one (the only) thing I can think of for us is that chronic illness has made us masters of organisation and planning. 

Thursday, 8 June 2023

You better go check yours out!


So as you know I have been having problems staying awake. Even after 8 hours of sleep, I battle keeping my eyes open during the day.

This has had me perplexed and I have blamed my fibromyalgia, which still may be a part of what I have been struggling with, but certainly not all.

Going through my refrigerator last week, I sorted through the side top shelf on the door where I keep Chris's insulin injections and my thyroxin. Checking the dates, I was shocked to see that my thyroxin was out of date by two months!

I quickly discarded them and put a new week of indate tablets in my pill container for the week. No wonder I have had peeling skin off my face, hair loss and fatigue...

It's been 6 days so far with little change, but I would expect the synthetic thyroid hormone to build up in my system soon... I am hoping I don't have to wait long.

I am so switched on with medications and foods and so on that have a limited shelf life, but this time, it fell through the cracks...

Considering I have been battling a long term fibromyalgia flare for about 10 months... yes nearly 11 months since moving here, I guess I have to cut myself some slack. Nevertheless, when I discovered the out of date meds, I did tell myself  that I am an old sausage! And I am!  You better go check yours out! 

Thursday, 1 June 2023

It starts with you


Lately, I have realised that one of the reasons for my high blood pressure is probably in the way I stress about not being able to do what I want due to fibromyalgia.

Although I know that I am not to blame for being ill, I sometimes find myself berating myself and feeling cross that I am a lame duck. It really gets to me at times.

Often I succumb to false guilt, the guilt that comes from matters that are not in my control, and it is easy to go to the Pit of Despair. You do not want to go there.

On rare occasions, I burst into tears and it is then that Chris usually comes to my rescue, pointing out that it's not my fault, that whatever needs to be done can wait or he promises that he will do it...

It made me think that sometimes I am my own worst enemy. By self-condemnation, I am making a sad situation worse for myself.

When I realised that it was my thinking that makes me get so down sometimes, I smiled at the irony: usually I am trying to validate my tiredness and pain to "normals"- those who do not live with chronic pain and no spoons. Now the "normals" are validating me.

So today, after cleaning my kitchen and making lunch, I am going to "the beach" again. I am going to relax and only get up again when it is time to cook tea.

I am going to start to speak to myself as I would speak to someone else who was ill and blaming themselves: lovingly and kindly. Which just doesn't come naturally to me. I have patience with everyone except myself.