Sunday 4 August 2024

A little time to slumber


A little time to slumber all my days spent in the sun,
My idle hands were folded my daily chores not done.
I wasn’t at all rebellious as into the sky I’d gaze,
I just left my daily duties as in the sun I bathed.

I read my book for hours dishes soaking in the sink,
The meat still in the freezer for I didn’t stop to think
What I needed for dinner it lay frozen in a lump;
I’d serve meat of something be it chops or steak or rump.

Just a minute of my surfing turned to hours of my day,
As I sat online chatting to people far away.
Imagine then my panic as at last I looked around,
To see the clock now telling  my man was homeward bound.

What a rush of my adrenaline making me quickly scamper
To launder clothes still waiting in the dirty laundry hamper.
The bed was pulled up in a hurry the dishes washed and left to dry,
As I boiled up some veggies and set the meat to fry.

Which would likely take forever for it hadn’t completely thawed
And I so wanted dinner ready as soon as my man hit the door.
Feeling very guilty as I served our dinner late
I decided my many forums would henceforth have to wait.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep; so shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth; and thy want as an armed man” Proverbs 24:34

Sunday 28 July 2024

My Cleaning Schedule


As you know, I have now been approved for 2 hours of  home help a week. It has been a difficult time lately with a fibromyalgia flare that never seems to end. 

I have my sister here with us for the moment, so having some extra help especially in bedmaking, will help me immensely.

Just keeping the washing up to date, menu planning, cooking, dishes, food shopping, bill paying, and organising medicines for the week and ordering them from the doctor and chemist, is enough for me to cope with.

So this extra 2 hours will help me immensely. Maybe then my fibromyalgia flare will finally go away!

WEEK - MEL-6/9/2024





WEEK - TANYA -13/9/2024





WEEK - MEL- 20/9/2024





WEEK - TANYA- 27/9/2024





Saturday 20 July 2024

The only perk of being old

As you probably know, I have been feeling really unwell since I had RSV and this has coincided with a severe fibromyalgia flare from helping my sister move.

My Aged Care case manager came and visited me last week and she could see I wasn't coping too well with everything. 

She told me that I could have a cleaner come weekly instead of fortnightly from next week onwards. I was truly blessed to hear that.

I can have one of the beds changed each visit and alternate other chores like stovetop cleaning and shower cleaning.

It is good timing for me too. My Roombas have all died together... they seem to have a 2 year lifetime..

Anyway, knowing help is coming has lifted my spirits.  I guess getting the Aged Care Home Care package is the only perk of being old...

Thursday 11 July 2024

It doesn't take much!

As you know, we have my sister here with  us until she finds a new rented home. She's been here for 8 weeks now and I have been taking care of her.

My twin, like me, has fibromyalgia, heart and lung problems and has recently had RSV. It went through our house.

But until I am diagnosed, she is alone in suffering with Lupus. There's a question mark over whether or not I have it too. We are mirror image identical twins.

So suffice it to say, I have been looking after her and part of that is making sure she eats well. 

As I told you in a previous post nutrition can extend our life and certainly makes for a more pleasurable life. So I made sure my sister was eating lots of vegetables and fruits and red meat at least 3 times a week.

At her last doctors visit before moving in with us, she was told that the Lupus had made her very anemic so much so that she needed an iron infusion. She didn't cook much when she did cook... and sometimes her diet was not very nutritious. 

So, as I mentioned she's been with us for two months and her new doctor- (our doctor) ordered baseline blood tests. The results showed her iron has improved and she no longer needs an iron infusion.

This reinforced my belief that good plain homemade meals made from scratch with lots of vegetables and fruits, help extend one's life. The proof is there in the blood tests, for the life is in the blood. 

By eating well and staying well nourished, life can be made more enjoyable and prolonged. All it takes is a balanced diet and a little thought in purchasing our food. It doesn't take much! 

Wednesday 3 July 2024

We walk that path together.


It's a sad fact that lately Chris and I wake up each morning feeling exhausted. We can sleep for 8 hours or sometimes 9 and still feel tired.

We ache all over and carry the "just woken up" brain fog all day. Our morning routine consists of bloods to check the blood sugar levels and then an insulin injection for Chris followed by a hearty breakfast of pills swallowed down with a nice cup of tea.

Our love language is spoons and our song of lamentation is that we don't have any or that it won't be sufficient for the day's activities. We live just to take another nana or grandpa nap.

Of course I have a double whammy of woes, with my diabetes and fibromyalgia. The pain never departs except for the brief few minutes Chris rubs my feet. I have the combined effects of peripheral neuropathy, in my toes especially and the foot pain that comes with fibro.

With ongoing chronic fatigue, I am certain to fall sleep just 5 minutes into my foot rub. I joke and tell Chris that these days it's better than sex!... only between us- I think it's true! I mean when everything hurts and it's hard to breathe with angina and pulmonary hypertension, foot rubs now are the only pleasure in life that steadies my breathing and still relaxes me..

And talking of breathing, that RSV flu type virus is still hanging around. Not as bad, but bad enough to have me keep my asthma puffers strategically placed at my dining table, computer desk and bedside. It too drains my energy and adds to the joy of a fibromyalgia flare.

Statistics show that more women have fibromyalgia than men, but I often wonder if Chris' chronic fatigue and constant body pains are indeed fibro... there's no particular test to find out, but it wouldn't surprise me at all...

Meanwhile, he lives the horrible life of a fibromite, but at least he doesn't have to validate himself with me. We walk that path together...

Saturday 22 June 2024

Not any time soon


These last few weeks have been difficult to say the least. We have been moving my sister in here until she finds a new home for rent. With fibromyalgia flaring, the spoons have not even been seen.

To top it off, RSV has been in our house and we have been knocked down like flies.With Chris, Julie and I all suffering from heart and lung problems, RSV hit us hard.

I caught it off my great-granddaughter when she came for a visit a week before she developed symptoms. Being a sharing person, she passed it on to her mother, Chris and Julie then me.

Chris only had symptoms like a bad cold and was ill for about a week, I was very ill with it lasting two weeks and Julie was sickest of all with hers lasting three weeks. Julie has lupus so it played havoc with her health.

This is not a virus to be played with. It honestly nearly carried Julie and I off. Julie told me it was worse than when she had Covid. I can only attest that it made me sicker than when I had pneumonia. I have never had Covid, and I tested myself at my sickest point. It was negative.

Now I am feeling a bit better but it has left me very exhausted and requiring frequent rests and/or nana naps. Maybe it's that and my fibromyalgia flaring. It was hard work moving my sister..

So to today: I am slowing trying to get my home into order. My floors need vaccuuming and mopping. My toilets are in need of a good clean and I need to conquer Dish City and Mt Laundry.

I will get there but not any time soon. 

Friday 14 June 2024

Easy meals for when you can't be bothered cooking


We all know that good nutrition is important for our health and the health of our family. But as sacrificial home keepers, cooking can prove to be a big challenge.  Our energy often precludes cooking elaborate meals. We need to find some recipes that our family likes and that won't take a lot of effort and time. Keep it simple.

I am not the worlds' best cook, and it isn't necessary to cook cordon bleu or gourmet food, but it *is* necessary to cook nutritious food..  

It is a good idea to plan a menu: this is something most of us can do even on bed rest. Here are some meals that Chris and I  like that are not difficult to cook and that are nourishing: I have a menu planned for dinner each week. This week it is:

Wednesdays' Dinner:  Corned beef, cabbage, carrot and mashed potato.
Dessert:  Cake or biscuits and tea

Thursdays' Dinner:  Roast chicken with peas, sweet potato, pumpkin, onions and potatoes.
Dessert: Instant blancmange pudding

Fridays' dinner:  chops, salad and mash.  Buy the salad already washed. You can also purchase frozen mashed potato that is cooked in the microwave and that tastes exactly as if you have done it at home. A little dash of salad dressing and you're done. We like 50/50 balsemic vinegar and olive oil which is just added together and tossed over the salad.
Dessert: a can of mandarins or any fruit with instant custard

Saturdays' Dinner: fettucine bolognaise with store bought garlic bread.
Dessert:  Icecream and banana
Sundays' Dinner:  Swiss steak (done in tomato puree), veggies and mashed potato.  The veggies are just frozen ones.
Dessert:  Pancakes from an instant mix: just add water and shake the bottle. I top them with sugar and lemon juice.
Mondays' Dinner:  Rump steak and veggies and mashed potato
Dessert: Ice cream and kiwi fruit.
Tuesdays' Dinner:   Chow mein and rice.  This is easy to cook in the slow cooker.  I cook the rice in the microwave.
Dessert:  Tinned fruit and custard

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“Go now to the flock, and fetch me from thence two good kids of the goats; and I will make them savoury meat for thy father, such as he loveth:” Genesis 27:9

Sunday 2 June 2024

I. have. never. felt. so. weary!

This last week has been very taxing. We have had to help my sick sister close down her rented home and move in with us until she finds another rental home.

We have been so stressed due to the increased pain and my fibromyalgia flare is off the charts!

There's times in life that you have no choice but to pitch in and this has been one such time.

Because of the stress we have come down with a chest cold which is the pits at the best of times!

All I can manage today is to make some  Jewish Penicillin. I am planning to have a nana nap soon.

Each morning I wake up unrested and have no spoons to speak of, yet I still manage to help in the packing and keep up with washing and dishes.

My grandson and son are moving the heavier stuff today so I am flaked out in my armchair.

I. have. never. felt. so. weary! 

Thursday 23 May 2024

Fading fast...


Lately it seems that my life consists of pain, fatigue, breathlessness and pacing. pacing. pacing.

Life demands certain things of us and for me it's looking after a sickly husband, a house that is in need of a good clean and now a convalescent sister who is here to recover from a nasty fall after hospitalisation for lupus.

On top of that, we are trying to find rental homes for her and one for my son who was her carer. 

My fibromyalgia is flaring  because I am stressed and all I seem to do is pace myself to ensure I keep the few spoons I wake up with.

I am back to sharing a bed with my husband as my sister is occupying my adjustable one to alleviate some of the pain in her injured back and legs.  Neither Chris or I are sleeping well at night.

So I follow a plan for a rest between tasks and by the afternoon I am so overcome with tiredness that I have to take a nana nap in order to have enough spoons left to cook dinner.

And as I sit resting, I realise that most of the day for me is now resting and pacing in order to just get through. even with minimal tasks planned.

And as the spoons diminish, I realise too that my strength is fading fast with fibromyalgia and old age. It is what it is.

I am fading fast.. the only thing about me that is fast! 

Thursday 16 May 2024

Sex isn't everything!

This picture reminds me of Chris and I in the kitchen...  I often can be washing the dishes and he will come behind me for a cuddle.. I still blush  and giggle like  a school girl!  I usually go weak at the knees when he kisses the back of my neck, and I turn around and kiss him passionately.  Finally, we break away, breathless with romance and laughter!  Most times, he then pitches in and helps me finish washing up.

This little dalliance of ours to us is quite romantic and that coupled with the fact that Chris helps me with the dishes, makes me feel nurtured and happy- it doesn't take a lot for me! Which is good, because money is short for a lot of flowers and chocolates.

We do go out together for meals whenever we can salt away a little money.  Nothing too expensive, but we bring our own ambiance!  Just looking into each others' eyes and holding hands over the table reminds us of our early days together and keeps us focused on each other.  Truly, we do adore each other.

Because money is in short supply, and because we constantly laugh together and cuddle often, we feel that special occasions such as Christmas, birthdays and Valentines' Day aren't necessary to show affection and love. We in fact, do not buy gifts for these for each other. And it is perfectly fine with us. We do, however look at our wedding photos and reminisce a lot on our anniversary or any other date significant to us...

I think it may be the fact that we are an older married couple that makes it easier to see romance in ways that younger couples don't.  With age and fibromyalgia and heart and back problems and Chris with his diabetes, sex is either umcomfortable or impossible. So both Chris and I look forward to a bubble bath at home with a good back wash and nail trims or a foot or back massage.  We do that for each other on a regular basis. To us, nurture is romance!

Chris loves me bringing his breakfast into him in the morning. This to him is romantic and although his not buying me presents and sending me cards may seem that he is an unromantic man, nothing could be further from the truth.  He sings to me! We have some special songs that he says were written just for us, and he will play them on the computer, and take me in his arms and croon to me as we dance slowly round the living room.

Because I am often in hospital, Chris shows his care by staying with me most of the day until visiting hours are over, just stroking my hair and holding my hand. Or he will come with our laptop and headphones for me. My heart melts with love for him.  We can't stand to be away from each other.

Illness, medications, no spoons and age have curtailed our times of intimacy, but we manage to show love to each other in ways that are imaginative, erotic and very caring.  There is absolutely no thoughts of unmet needs- love can be expressed in ways other than full sexual intercourse, and we delight in each other regardless! If sex happens, it's a bonus!

So we don't care about no presents or cards for Christmas, or birthdays or Valentines' Day-  with the romantic sparks that still fly between us, and our little dalliances, every day is Valentines' Day. 

I thank God for Chris as I am one very blessed wife, and I tell him often.... he finds that very romantic too! We are proof that you can live without sex! Sex isn't everything!