Showing posts with label showers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label showers. Show all posts

Monday 17 May 2021

The only positive thing for spoonies

I was talking to my daughter this morning. She also has fibromyalgia. She asked me what plans I had for today and I told her I was planning to take a shower.

We laughed at how ridiculous that sounded and then we realised that once again, it's all about spoons and being organised.

Given the nature of fibromyalgia, one can never plan anything until we wake up each day, and then it is entirely dependent on pain and energy issues. 

We can never be spontaneous, but have to weigh up the need or desire to do something against the reality- having enough spoons to see us through the day.

If one thinks there just may be enough spoons to go somewhere or do something, we then go in to planning mode. We may cook dinner in the slow cooker instead of preparing something at the end of the day.

Perhaps we will go to a doctors' appointment and must organise our day with the idea that dinner is taken care of via the slow cooker and the bed will be inviting and will be calling us as soon as we get home.

We become experts at planning our lives as we go, and despite fibro brain fog, we usually can think on our feet as to what would be possible on any given day. Today I am making a slow cooker stew for dinner and saving my spoons for that shower. 

I really hate being ill, and I can't think of any positives about fibromyalgia and other trials we spoonie friends have to endure. But the one (the only) thing I can think of for us is that chronic illness has made us masters of organisation and planning.