Showing posts with label doctors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doctors. Show all posts

Saturday 28 March 2020

All things work for good...

So we are staying at home with the Corona Virus spreading fast. But today we had to go to see our Doctor P to get some repeat scripts. He said that from now on we can just ring the clinic and he will fax our scripts to our chemist. We are glad for one less reason not to have to go out.

Our BP was pretty good: 138/74 for me... and Chris's, strangely was exactly the same. The doctor laughed and asked if we even synchronised our BP! I said to Chris isn't that romantic, and Dr P laughed again and agreed that it was!  We are always together and we never tire of each other!

Apart from today, we have been home and it hasn't been all that bad. I have been getting some things done around the house like decluttering and Chris has been putting some pictures up for me in our room and the guest room.

I am making sure we are eating proper meals but I do have some snack foods in the back of the pantry for comfort eating. Chris loves to munch on almonds whilst watching TV and I love eating muesli bars.

My fibromyalgia is dictating my life a bit, ensuring that I have a nana nap in the afternoons. With no social commitments, it's pretty easy to go to bed when I feel the need. And I don't feel guilty.

Staying at home because one has to with the Corona Virus like a spectre haunting our peace, is not ideal, but if we do what we are told, I am sure it will burn itself out soon.

We are refusing to give in to anxious thoughts and are trying to keep ourselves busy. Well, as busy as I can be with limited spoons.

My to do list today is to follow Thursday's List which is basically a rest day as I had the doctor's appointment today.  I am feeling tired now. 

I will be spending time watching You Tube and Netflix with Chris and trying to keep myself busy in the home. We can use this time at home for good if we think it through. All things work for good...

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Wednesday 12 February 2020

The life is in the blood!

Today we went to see our new doctor for our blood test results. Basically we are doing OK except for our diabetes. Our sugars are quite high. But I have low magnesium and vitamin D. I will have to get some supplements for those.

So we are both on new diabetes medications with strict instructions to cut out sugar and to visit the chronic illness management nurse next month for a care plan.

I have grocery shopped today with weight loss and lowering of sugars in mind. It has been a busy day and I am almost ready for bed.

Today was a wipe out as far as housework is concerned. I didn't follow any list, in fact I had enough energy to blink my eyes and breathe. Good job it is involuntary.

Hopefully tomorrow will  be easier. Tomorrow being the first day of my new resolve to lower the sugars. 

We like this new doctor and we know he would be genuinely pleased if we did as he suggested. There's no hiding from him if we don't become proactive in regaining our health: the next blood tests will tell the tale- the life is in the blood! 

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Flat out in bed

So today is going to be busy for me. First thing this morning a technician from Telstra  is coming to install the NBN for us. Hopefully our connection will be faster.

When that's done, I have to go to the Post Office and request another invoice to renew our post office box. They have overcharged us on the invoice. As the post man doesn't home deliver here due to us living in a tiny country township, we must all have a PO Box. They charged us as having a mail delivery but wanting a PO Box. A lot more expensive! 

I have also to change our bed and refill the weekly pill container for our medications. I will be taking note what medications we need a prescription or a refill for at the chemist,  for the doctors' visit tomorrow.

So todays' list of to do's looks like this:

  1. Change our bed
  2. Finish cleaning the kitchen
  3. Refill the medications
  4. Do some washing but using the dryer: it is going to rain for the next 3 days
  5. Sweep the vinyl floors
  6. Bake a cake for afternoon tea
  7. Dinner for tonight is quiche with vegies.
This is a pretty full on day for me. I will have to pace myself so as not to prolong my fibromyalgia flare, or instead of being busy flat out like a lizard drinking, I will just be flat out- in bed.

Thursday 6 February 2020

What I wouldn't give for a good sleep

Last night was a fizzer regarding sleeping. No matter how I positioned myself, sleep eluded me most of the night. I have woken up this morning so sore and tired that I don't know what to do with myself.

From twenty odd years of suffering from fibromyalgia, I know that today is going to be a wipe out. So I will be pacing myself and only doing the bare minimum of chores.

Yesterday I felt like this, but we had waited a week to see a new doctor and we had to go see him. He was good and seems to know his stuff. We have a few baseline blood tests to get done before we see him again next week.

We are into cooler weather with a top of 28C predicted. I have washed two loads of clothes and am too tired to hang it out. Sometimes you have to compromise when you have chronic illness. Sometimes you win, most time it does! 

I shopped online for groceries yesterday: the Woolworths delivery man is due soon... I am saving my few spoons to put the shopping away and mark it off the shopping list as received...

Things on my to do list today:

  1. Put the food away
  2. Cook my homemade pasta sauce in the slow cooker for spaghetti bolognaise tonight
  3. Rest
That will have to do for today as I am having trouble keeping awake. What I wouldn't give for a good sleep! 

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Scarce as hens' teeth!

It is quite cold here today: 8C! By midday we should be hitting 24C which is quite pleasant. I have the reverse cycle air con set on 22C which is quite comfortable.  Xena our little white cat got up, used her tray, had some kibbles and went back to bed. Before I came out to the study, she was seen nestled next to Chris under the doona. So when she does that, you know it's cold!

My plans for today are
  1. Catch up on last night's dishes
  2. Do some washing
  3. Go to the doctor and chemist
  4. Do some grocery shopping
  5. Cook sausages, veg and mashed sweet potato and potato
Fibromyalgia has me aching everywhere but there's no time to go to bed.  Today we are going to see a new doctor here. We only know his name but haven't seen him yet. Our little township has a drought on doctors with the average wait a week.  With all of our many illnesses, we are praying that this guy knows his stuff. But even so, beggars can't be choosers: doctors in the country are scarce as hens' teeth!