Friday, 13 December 2024

Better days are coming!


So yesterday my occupational therapist and her colleague came to give me a trial run of my new motorised scooter, similar to the one pictured here.

It has all terrain wheels and an hour's worth of charge, plenty for me to go visit my sister who lives nearby.

It is part of my Aged Care package and will make my life so much better since I can no longer drive.

This scooter requires no knee action which is great for me as that was the reason I can no longer drive.

Also my bath lift seat is coming in a few days and I am looking forward to that as well. I have bought some Magnesium bath flakes to soak myself in. I am hoping it will lessen my fibromyalgia muscle pain...

As far as hygiene and travelling independence goes, I can say that better days are coming! 

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

I can hardly wait! Again!


Do you remember reading that I was disappointed because the bath lift chair I bought could not fit under the bath tap? I had to sell it..

Well today my Occupational Therapist from my Aged Care Package came for a visit to our new home and brought the mobility gentleman with her. He had a lift chair with him and we did a dry run... and it went very well.

The bathroom tap did not get caught in my leg and I was able to lower the seat right to the bottom of  the bath. One has been ordered for me and I am very happy.

I am also happy because I have been told that I can get a mobility scooter in the near future which is cause for celebration... very happy to be getting one, but more excited about the bath lift...

As I said a couple of years ago, I can hardly wait