Friday 24 September 2021

Life is still good!

It's a busy today. I have lots of dishes to wash, washing to fold and put away and a few meals to cook. 

It is a public holiday today as it's the Grand Final of Aussie rules football. We don't follow football and I only found out as our chemist is closed today. Footy is like a religion over here, and if you don't have a footy team to barrack for, you are virtually ostracised! I don't even know who's playing! 

We are in Spring here and today is a bit warmer so I may sit on the deck and get some sun and watch the birds. The sun hopefully will ease my aching neck and shoulders. My fibromyalgia is kicking me majorly.

Life is hitting us both hard health wise, but even so, life is still good! 


  1. Getting outside to enjoy fresh air and a bit of sun is always great fir my soul. Hope it did you good! 💜

  2. You are so right, Cynthia! It did me good.

  3. Same in US, and I don't really follow, but all are abuzz with their favorite teams as here the season has started Oh to be starting Spring. I like Fall, but not what comes after. Thanks for visiting.

  4. Yes, Spring is my favourite season! Thanks for commenting, Peabea!
