Friday 3 May 2024

I am already there!


In a few days I will be turning 71. It's been a bumpy ride punctuated with bursts of hard work in raising 5 children punctuated with the misery of chronic illness adding to the joy.

I think it's normal to feel tired in your seventies, but when one has fibromyalgia, polymyalgia, heart disease, spinal problems, diabetes and pulmonary hypertension as constant companions, well- it makes me tired just thinking of doing the smallest task.

Lately I have been reflecting on my life and trying to simplify it even more than it is now. And I have done a few things to avoid feeling false guilt and perfectionism.

I have unfollowed all my online groups for cooking, housework and household tips and decluttering. I still do these things, but at a snail's pace. I don't have to add to my perfectionism by fueling it.

I have also unfollowed all my feeds for pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding as it tends to make me nostalgic for something that is no longer a part of my life.

Similarly, I have gotten rid of household check lists and calenders about homemaking routines. They never work for me as I am so often out of spoons due mainly to fibromyalgia flares.

All my married life I have written out meal menus but now that Chris is very often not hungry or at least is very picky, I must cook to adapt to his fancies for dining thus invalidating my menu plan..

Always an Aldi girl, I now shop for groceries totally online, visit my doctor via phone consult, order  my prescriptions online and pay all my bills online.  

I rarely leave the house these days. Everything is slowing down for me these days and I need it to stay that way. 

Even with help once a fortnight for housecleaning, I find just running the home during the two weeks between cleans physically taxing. 

As I said, I think it's OK to slow down when you age...and I am no longer like the fairy godmother... managing my home easily and without much effort. 

I just have to accept that like the fairy godmother I am not getting old: I am already there! 


  1. Lisa Brittain8 May 2024 at 00:41

    Bless you, Glennys! I’m glad you are offering yourself more grace. Thank you for writing and sharing. Writing wisdom is an amazingly productive way to live through aging. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for sharing a cuppa with me today, Lisa!

  2. I've slowed down too. My sister and I were laughing about it on the phone yesterday. Loved your last line.

    1. It's amazing how we get there so quickly isn't it? lol

  3. Glenys, I'm so happy to hear your giving yourself more grace. I enjoy virtually stopping by for a cuppa with you .
    Thanks so much for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friends this month sweet friend.

    1. It's funny how we give others more grace than we do ourselves isn't it, Paula? thanks for sharing a cuppas with me today!
