Saturday 11 May 2024

Enjoy being at home.

The last few days have seen me taking a renewed interest in cooking and house management.. it's been a time of feeling incredibly blessed.

Our home nurtures us so much. It is so comforting to be here, away from the hustle and bustle of life and just snuggling in  here. 

I have just turned 71 and I can honestly say that contentment and joy have caught me by surprise! 

The longings for adventure and new experiences has waned and I am truly content just following my basic routines.

Fibromyalgia and heart problems dictate my life somewhat and even though spoons are scarce, I still try to keep my home well and I even try to bake bread... this is where spoons and pacing comes to the fore.

In an effort to keep feeling peace in our home, I have stopped viewing news videos regarding the end days and I can say it has worked.

As I work on my computer, I have scriptures or some form of worship music playing. 

I am waiting on the LORD to come for us and while I wait, I keep guard on what exactly comes into our home.

I pray a lot that God will keep me in perfect peace because as the wife in our home, my moods and attitudes shape not only my day, but Chris's

Peace is the first thing to go and it's not necessarily from the words we speak. Attitudes speak volumes.

Our home can be a haven from the world for us and we should try to make it a clean and comfortable place that shields us from the world...  Our home is indeed our haven. Enjoy being at home.


  1. I enjoyed my days at home when we were raising a family. Now as empty nesters I am working full time again, but I do look forward to the day when I can be at home again. Serving God in whatever situation we're in :-)

    1. Yes, I worked full time in our courier business and my children had left the nest too. Now in retirement, I am so glad we have a comfortable and nurturing home. especially with chronic illness... thanks for sharing a cuppa with me today, Kym

  2. Stopping by for a cuppa Glenys. I enjoyed you warm and comfy home post very much.
    Thanks so much doe sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friend's this month.

    1. Thanks for stopping by for a cuppa, Paula!
