Friday 14 June 2024

Easy meals for when you can't be bothered cooking


We all know that good nutrition is important for our health and the health of our family. But as sacrificial home keepers, cooking can prove to be a big challenge.  Our energy often precludes cooking elaborate meals. We need to find some recipes that our family likes and that won't take a lot of effort and time. Keep it simple.

I am not the worlds' best cook, and it isn't necessary to cook cordon bleu or gourmet food, but it *is* necessary to cook nutritious food..  

It is a good idea to plan a menu: this is something most of us can do even on bed rest. Here are some meals that Chris and I  like that are not difficult to cook and that are nourishing: I have a menu planned for dinner each week. This week it is:

Wednesdays' Dinner:  Corned beef, cabbage, carrot and mashed potato.
Dessert:  Cake or biscuits and tea

Thursdays' Dinner:  Roast chicken with peas, sweet potato, pumpkin, onions and potatoes.
Dessert: Instant blancmange pudding

Fridays' dinner:  chops, salad and mash.  Buy the salad already washed. You can also purchase frozen mashed potato that is cooked in the microwave and that tastes exactly as if you have done it at home. A little dash of salad dressing and you're done. We like 50/50 balsemic vinegar and olive oil which is just added together and tossed over the salad.
Dessert: a can of mandarins or any fruit with instant custard

Saturdays' Dinner: fettucine bolognaise with store bought garlic bread.
Dessert:  Icecream and banana
Sundays' Dinner:  Swiss steak (done in tomato puree), veggies and mashed potato.  The veggies are just frozen ones.
Dessert:  Pancakes from an instant mix: just add water and shake the bottle. I top them with sugar and lemon juice.
Mondays' Dinner:  Rump steak and veggies and mashed potato
Dessert: Ice cream and kiwi fruit.
Tuesdays' Dinner:   Chow mein and rice.  This is easy to cook in the slow cooker.  I cook the rice in the microwave.
Dessert:  Tinned fruit and custard

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“Go now to the flock, and fetch me from thence two good kids of the goats; and I will make them savoury meat for thy father, such as he loveth:” Genesis 27:9


  1. Making a dessert from pancakes actually sounds pretty delicious!

    1. It is delicious! I love that it's so simple to make- maximum taste using less spoons! lol

  2. Oh my, corned beef and cabbage!!! Your menu sounds delightful. I can virtually taste all of these meals. I've made desserts from pancakes before and it's convenient and so tasty.
    Thanks' bunches for sharing your menu with Sweet Tea & Friend's June link-up.

    1. I had forgotten about that dish. I am going to incorporate it into next weeks' menu. I have the fancies for corned beef and cabbage now! lol
