Sunday 4 August 2024

A little time to slumber


A little time to slumber all my days spent in the sun,
My idle hands were folded my daily chores not done.
I wasn’t at all rebellious as into the sky I’d gaze,
I just left my daily duties as in the sun I bathed.

I read my book for hours dishes soaking in the sink,
The meat still in the freezer for I didn’t stop to think
What I needed for dinner it lay frozen in a lump;
I’d serve meat of something be it chops or steak or rump.

Just a minute of my surfing turned to hours of my day,
As I sat online chatting to people far away.
Imagine then my panic as at last I looked around,
To see the clock now telling  my man was homeward bound.

What a rush of my adrenaline making me quickly scamper
To launder clothes still waiting in the dirty laundry hamper.
The bed was pulled up in a hurry the dishes washed and left to dry,
As I boiled up some veggies and set the meat to fry.

Which would likely take forever for it hadn’t completely thawed
And I so wanted dinner ready as soon as my man hit the door.
Feeling very guilty as I served our dinner late
I decided my many forums would henceforth have to wait.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

“Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep; so shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth; and thy want as an armed man” Proverbs 24:34


  1. What a beautifully written piece! Your poem captures the essence of those wonderfully lazy days when time just seems to slip away. The imagery of basking in the sun and getting lost in a good book is so vivid and relatable. I love how you weave a story of everyday moments with a touch of humor and a dash of reality. It's a perfect reminder to enjoy life's simple pleasures, even if it means a little chaos later. Thank you for sharing this delightful glimpse into your day!

    1. Thanks, Anna! I wish I could say this is no longer a part of my life, but it is still is on occasion. Aa Chris said to me, we get there in the end. And it's true... we do eat and put on clean clothes... just a little behind schedule... lol
