Sunday 2 June 2024

I. have. never. felt. so. weary!

This last week has been very taxing. We have had to help my sick sister close down her rented home and move in with us until she finds another rental home.

We have been so stressed due to the increased pain and my fibromyalgia flare is off the charts!

There's times in life that you have no choice but to pitch in and this has been one such time.

Because of the stress we have come down with a chest cold which is the pits at the best of times!

All I can manage today is to make some  Jewish Penicillin. I am planning to have a nana nap soon.

Each morning I wake up unrested and have no spoons to speak of, yet I still manage to help in the packing and keep up with washing and dishes.

My grandson and son are moving the heavier stuff today so I am flaked out in my armchair.

I. have. never. felt. so. weary! 


  1. Praying you find the rest and refreshment you need to keep going! Sounds like you and your family are a great blessing to your sister.

    1. Kym, in reality we are the only ones helping her... that's what I mean by sometimes you just have to pitch in... thanks for having a cuppa with me today!


  2. Dearest God,

    I come before you today with my friend, Glenys, who is feeling weary and worn down. Her strength seems depleted, and her spirit may be low.

    I lift Glenys up to you, Lord. Grant her your peace that surpasses all understanding, a peace that can settle her soul and quiet her anxieties (Philippians 4:7). Remind Glenys that you are her refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1).

    Bless her with renewed energy, both physical and emotional. May she find rest in you, even in the midst of challenges. Guide her to prioritize rest and self-care, knowing that true strength comes from relying on you (Matthew 11:28-30).

    Surround Glenys with your love and light, and fill her with a sense of hope. May she find encouragement and support from those around her, (including myself.)

    In your Holy name, I pray.


    Thank You for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friend's this month my dear friend.

    1. Thank you so much for your beautiful prayer. As it turns out, I came down with RSV and am still recovering... it was far worse than Covid! You are such an encourager, Paula!
